SCORM Cloud Java Library

Client Library for SCORM Cloud API.





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SCORM Cloud Java Library
Client Library for SCORM Cloud API.
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Rustici Software
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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client:scormcloud-java-lib:1.1.3'
implementation ("com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client:scormcloud-java-lib:1.1.3")
<dependency org="com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client" name="scormcloud-java-lib" rev="1.1.3">
  <artifact name="scormcloud-java-lib" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client', module='scormcloud-java-lib', version='1.1.3')
libraryDependencies += "com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client" % "scormcloud-java-lib" % "1.1.3"
[com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client/scormcloud-java-lib "1.1.3"]


There are no dependencies for this project. It is a standalone project that does not depend on any other jars.

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

NOTE: This client library is for the SCORM Cloud V1 API, which is on a deprecation schedule. The client library for SCORM Cloud's V2 API can be found here.

SCORM Cloud Java API Bindings

This library provides implementations for the majority, but not all, of the SCORM Cloud API. It is provided under the BSD 3-clause License (see LICENSE).

You can sign up for a SCORM Cloud account at

See our API quick start guide for more information.


Requires Java 7 or greater.


This library is available via Maven.

In a Maven configuration,


or in Gradle:

compile 'com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client:scormcloud-java-lib:1.1.3'


Single App ID

If you're only using a single application (app ID), you can use the ScormCloud convenience singleton:

import com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client.Configuration;
import com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client.ScormCloud;

    new Configuration(
        "your app id",
        "your secret key",
        "your origin string"));

where your app id is the app ID in question, your secret key is a secret key for that app ID, and your origin string is a company/app description. (The origin string is used for debugging on the SCORM Cloud developers' side.) See API quick start for information on app ID / secret keys.

Multiple App IDs

If you're using multiple applications in SCORM Cloud, you'll need to build the ScormEngineService class manually.

import com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client.Configuration;
import com.rusticisoftware.hostedengine.client.ScormEngineService;

Configuration cfg =
    new Configuration(
        "your app id",
        "your secret key",
        "your origin string");

ScormEngineService service = new ScormEngineService(cfg);

This readme assumes the single app ID case, but the interface of ScormCloud and ScormEngineService are effectively the same. For example, instead of ScormCloud.getCourseService(), you'd use service.getCourseService().

Example API Calls

Once installed and configured, it's time to make API calls. As explained in the quick start guide, the library implements the scaffolding used to interact with the actual web API.

We also have a Java demo app built using this client library, which contains far more example code, but may not necessarily be following best practices.

Registration Exists

Corresponds to rustici.registration.exists.

boolean exists = ScormCloud.getRegistrationService().RegistrationExists("reg id");

Create Registration

Corresponds to rustici.registration.createRegistration.

    "registration id",
    "course id",
    "learner id",
    "learner first name",
    "learner last name");

As explained in the LMS Integration Guide, the registration, course, and learner IDs are provided by your system. The course ID needs to be an ID for a course that's already been imported. See the LMS integration guide for more information about integrating a typical LMS with SCORM Cloud.

Building Launch Link

As explained in rustici.registration.launch, the launch API call is different from nearly every other API call in that it's intended for integrating systems to redirect learners to that API call URL instead of calling it server-side.

The client library facilitates this by providing a GetLaunchUrl method:

string launchUrl = ScormCloud.getRegistrationService().GetLaunchUrl(
    "registration id",
    "redirect on exit url");

where registration id is the registration to launch and redirect on exit url is the URL to which the learner should be redirected if they exit the course. (Note: as discussed in the LMS Integration Guide, don't rely on learners hitting the redirect on exit URL.)

In a typical Java web-app, you might redirect to this:


The library provides other overrides for GetLaunchUrl that have more parameters.

Implementing Other API Calls

Although this library implements most of the SCORM Cloud API, it doesn't implement all of it. In cases where the library is insufficient, you can use the ServiceRequest class to directly call API methods described in the API reference:

ServiceRequest request = ScormCloud.createNewRequest();

request.getParameters().add("regid", "your reg id");

Document response = request.callService("rustici.registration.exists");
Element rspElem = (Element) response.getElementsByTagName("rsp").item(0);

boolean exists = (Boolean) XmlUtils.getNamedElemValue(rspElem, "result", Boolean.class, false);

This snippet of code manually builds a ServiceRequest with one parameter and then uses callService to invoke the request for a particular API method.

As it happens, this is (close to) the implementation of the RegistrationExists method above.

If you find methods missing and would like to implement them, we would be eternally grateful for any pull requests.


Need to get in touch with us? Contact us at [email protected]. Ask us anything.

Don't hesitate to submit technical questions. Our support staff are excellent, and even if they can't answer a question or resolve a problem, tickets get escalated quickly to real, live developers.

Building Client Library

Note: This section is for developing the client library itself and can be ignored if you're just interested in using it.

This client library uses Maven to build.

mvn package

will build jars and place them in target/.

To check Java compatibility, run:

mvn animal-sniffer:check

Java compatibility is controlled by the maven.compiler.source and parameters. To make the Animal Sniffer plugin check our API usage against a different version of Java, edit


in the pom.xml (e.g., change java17 to java16 to test Java 6 compat.)


Rustici Software

