
The CLI viewer instance







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The CLI viewer instance
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compile (16)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.sandpolis : sandpolis-core-instance jar 6.1.0
com.sandpolis : sandpolis-core-ipc jar 6.1.0
com.sandpolis : sandpolis-core-net jar 6.1.0
com.sandpolis : sandpolis-core-profile jar 6.1.0
com.sandpolis : sandpolis-core-proto jar 6.1.0
com.sandpolis : sandpolis-core-soi jar 6.1.0
com.sandpolis : sandpolis-core-util jar 6.1.0
com.sandpolis : sandpolis-core-viewer jar 6.1.0
ch.qos.logback : logback-core jar 1.2.3
ch.qos.logback : logback-classic jar 1.2.3
com.googlecode.lanterna : lanterna jar 3.1.0-alpha1
io.netty : netty-common jar 4.1.45.Final
io.netty : netty-codec jar 4.1.45.Final
io.netty : netty-transport jar 4.1.45.Final
io.netty : netty-handler jar 4.1.45.Final
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.30

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Sandpolis is a remote administration platform for servers, desktop computers, embedded devices, and anything in-between. Although designed primarily for sysadmins and enthusiasts, it should also be usable by most hominins.

This project is unfinished and should only be used in a secure testing environment!

Module Status
Core Release Build
Server Release Build
iOS Client Release Build
Desktop Client Release Build
Terminal Client Release Build
Agent Release Build
Native Agent Release Build


Sandpolis is a real-time distributed application composed of three types of components:

  • an agent installed on remote systems that carries out tasks on behalf of users
  • a client application that users interact with
  • a server that facilitates communication between instances in the network and makes everything "work"

In a typical setup, the server is hosted by a cloud provider like AWS or GCP, the client is installed on the administrator's machine, and the agent is installed on a large number of machines that need to be monitored/controlled.


Sandpolis supports plugins as a first-class feature. In fact, all end-user functionality in Sandpolis (file transfers, remote desktop, etc) is implemented through plugins. Third-party plugins can also be installed, but must be signed with a trusted code-signing certificate.

The following official plugins are available by default:

Plugin Status Description
Desktop Plugin Release Build Provides remote desktop sessions
Shell Plugin Release Build Provides remote shell sessions
Filesystem Plugin Release Build Provides file browsing and transfers
Snapshot Plugin Release Build Provides cold disk snapshots
Device Plugin Release Build Provides monitoring and control of agentless devices

Widely compatible

Sandpolis runs on many different operating systems and CPU architectures thanks to the JVM. For systems with minimal resources, there's also a native agent written in C++ that offers a subset of the usual features.

Low latency and high concurrency

Sandpolis is a real-time application which leads to a more satisfying user experience. Data is available right away and operations happen immediately.

To scale effectively, Sandpolis can utilize multiple servers in the same network which enables a large number of total concurrent connections from agents.

Uncompromising on performance and security

Every reasonable measure has been taken to ensure Sandpolis is both secure and performant. When it's not possible to achieve every desirable design objective, these two are prioritized.

