SAP Cloud Platform Neo API Client

A Java client for SAP Cloud Platform Neo Platform APIs.





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SAP Cloud Platform Neo API Client
A Java client for SAP Cloud Platform Neo Platform APIs.
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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation ''
implementation ("")
<dependency org="" name="neo-api-client" rev="1.1.6">
  <artifact name="neo-api-client" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='', module='neo-api-client', version='1.1.6')
libraryDependencies += "" % "neo-api-client" % "1.1.6"
[ "1.1.6"]


compile (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.25
commons-io : commons-io jar 2.5
org.apache.commons : commons-lang3 jar 3.7 : rest-api-client jar 1.1.6

test (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
junit : junit jar 4.12
org.mockito : mockito-all jar 1.9.5
nl.jqno.equalsverifier : equalsverifier jar 2.4.7
org.skyscreamer : jsonassert jar 1.4.0

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Important Notice

This public repository is read-only and no longer maintained.

SAP Cloud Platform Neo API Client

A Java client for SAP Cloud Platform Neo Platform APIs. List of currently supported platform APIs:

  • Authorization Management
  • Configuration Service

Prerequisities and Dependencies


Build the library using the following maven command.

mvn clean install


Unit tests

The unit tests of the library can be executed with the following Maven command

mvn clean install -Punit-tests

Integration tests


  • SAP CP Subaccount - the subaccount that would be integrated
  • Application - an application, deployed in the subaccount, in which destinations will be managed
  • SAP CP Provider Subaccount - the subaccount that Provided Application is deployed in
  • Provided Application - an application that SAP CP Subaccount is subscribed to
  • SAP Cloud Platform Neo Platform API OAuth Client - SAP Cloud Platform API OAuth client with scopes for at least all currently supported APIs

Configuration Properties

Property Description
regionAlias the region alias of the landscape on which APIs are being invoked.
subaccount the platform ID of SAP CP Subaccount
applicationName the name of Application
providerSubaccount the platform ID of SAP CP Provider Subaccount
providerApplication the name of Provided Application
platformClientId the client ID of Platform API Client
platformClientSecret the client secret of Platform API Client

Trigger Integration Tests

mvn clean install -Pintegration-tests \
-DregionAlias=<subaccountRegionAlias> \
-Dsubaccount=<subaccountId> \
-DplatformClientId=<platformClientId> \
-DplatformClientSecret=<platformClientSecret> \
-DapplicationName=<applicationName> \
-DproviderSubaccount=<providerSubaccountId> \


Add the following dependency to your maven pom.xml file.


Creating Neo API Client and Obtaining Service Clients

   OAuthAuthentication authentication = PlatformClientsOAuthAuthenticationBuilder.getBuilder()
  // Create Neo API Client Factory
  NeoClientFactory neoClientFactory = new NeoClientFactory(authentication);
  // Get Authorization Management Service Client
  AuthorizationManagementService authorizationService = neoClientFactory.getAuthorizationManagementService("neo-region","subaccount");
  // Get Configiration Service Client
  DestinationConfigurationService destinationService = neoClientFactory.getDestinationConfigurationService("neo-region");

or you could construct the clients on your own by passing a RestApiClientConfig to the constructor. Refer to the rest-api-client library for more info.

OAuthServerConfig oAuthServerConfig = OAuthServerConfigBuilder.getBuilder()

RestApiClientConfig restApiClientConfig = RestApiClientConfigBuilder.getBuilder()

// Create Authorization Management Service Client
AuthorizationManagementService authorizationService = new AuthorizationManagementRestApiClient(restApiClientConfig);

// Create Configiration Service Client
DestinationConfigurationService destinationConfigurationService = new DestinationConfigurationRestApiClient(restApiClientConfig);

Destination Configuration Service

    destinationConfigurationService.upsertDestinationOnTenantLevel(<subaccountId>, <destinationConfiguration>)
  • Retrieve Destination with OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion Authentication Type on Tenant Level
    OSAMLBearerDestination destination = destinationConfigurationService
    .retrieveSAMLBearerDestinationOnTenantLevel(<subaccountId>, <destinationName>)
  • Retrieve Destination with Basic Authentication Type on Tenant Level
    BasicDestination destination = destinationConfigurationService
    .retrieveBasicDestinationOnTenantLevel(<subaccountId>, <destinationName>)
  • Retrieve Destination on Tenant Level (supported Authentication types are NoAuthentication, BasicAuthentication, ClientCertificateAuthentication or OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion)
    DestinationConfiguration destination = destinationConfigurationService
    .retrieveDestinationOnTenantLevel(<subaccountId>, <destinationName>)
  • Delete Destination on Tenant Level
    destinationConfigurationService.deleteDestinationOnTenantLevel(<subaccountId>, <destinationName>)
    destinationConfigurationService.upsertDestinationOnApplicationLevel(<subaccountId>, <applicationName>, <destinationConfiguration>)
  • Retrieve Destination with OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion Authentication Type on Application Level
    OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertionDestination destination = destinationConfigurationService
    .retrieveSAMLBearerDestinationOnApplicationLevel(<subaccountId>, <applicationName>, <destinationName>)
  • Retrieve Destination with Basic Authentication Type on Application Level
    BasicDestination destination = destinationConfigurationService
    .retrieveBasicDestinationOnApplicationLevel(<subaccountId>, <applicationName>, <destinationName>)
  • Retrieve Destination on Application Level (supported Authentication types are NoAuthentication, BasicAuthentication, ClientCertificateAuthentication or OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion)
    DestinationConfiguration destination = destinationConfigurationService
    .retrieveDestinationOnApplicationLevel(<subaccountId>, <applicationName>, <destinationName>)
  • Delete Destination on Application Level
    destinationConfigurationService.deleteDestinationOnApplicationLevel(<subaccountId>, <applicationName>, <destinationName>)
    destinationConfigurationService.upsertDestinationOnSubscriptionLevel(<consumerSubaccountId>, <providerSubaccountId>, <applicationName>, <destinationConfiguration>)
  • Retrieve Destination with OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion Authentication Type on Subscription Level
    SAMLBearerDestination destination = destinationConfigurationService
    .retrieveSAMLBearerDestinationOnSubscriptionLevel<consumerSubaccountId>, <providerSubaccountId>, <applicationName>, <destinationName>)
  • Retrieve Destination with Basic Authentication Type on Subscription Level
    BasicDestination destination = destinationConfigurationService
    .retrieveBasicDestinationOnSubscriptionLevel(<consumerSubaccountId>, <providerSubaccountId>, <applicationName>, <destinationName>)
  • Retrieve Destination on Subscription Level (supported Authentication types are NoAuthentication, BasicAuthentication, ClientCertificateAuthentication or OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion)
    DestinationConfiguration destination = destinationConfigurationService
    .retrieveDestinationOnSubscriptionLevel(<consumerSubaccountId>, <providerSubaccountId>, <applicationName>, <destinationName>)
  • Delete Destination on Subscription Level
    destinationConfigurationService.deleteDestinationOnSubscriptionLevel(<consumerSubaccountId>, <providerSubaccountId>, <applicationName>)

Creating a Destination Configuration

AuthenticationType authenticationType; // initialize
ProxyType proxyType; // initialize
DestinationType destinationType; // initialize
DestinationConfiguration destinationConfiguration = new DestinationConfiguration("<destinationName>", "<url>",
        authenticationType, proxyType, destinationType);

You can also provide custom properties in a Map

Map<String, String> additionalProperties = new HashMap<>();
additionalProperties.put("property", "value");
DestinationConfiguration destinationConfiguration = new DestinationConfiguration("<destinationName>", "<url>",
        authenticationType, proxyType, destinationType, additionalProperties);

Creating a Basic Destination

ProxyType proxyType; // initialize
BasicDestination basicDestination new BasicDestination("<destinationName>",
            "<url>", proxyType, "<user>", "<password>".toCharArray);

You can also provide custom properties in a Map

Map<String, String> additionalProperties = new HashMap<>();
additionalProperties.put("property", "value");
BasicDestination basicDestination new BasicDestination("<destinationName>",
            "<url>", proxyType, "<user>", "<password>".toCharArray, additionalProperties);

Creating a SAML Bearer Destination

ProxyType proxyType; // initialize
SAMLBearerDestination oAuthDestination = new SAMLBearerDestination("<destinationName>", "<url>", 
proxyType, "<audience>", "<client_key>".toCharArray, "<tokenServiceUrl>", "<tokenServiceUser>", 

You can also provide custom properties in a Map

Map<String, String> additionalProperties = new HashMap<>();
additionalProperties.put("property", "value");
SAMLBearerDestination oAuthDestination = new SAMLBearerDestination("<destinationName>", "<url>", 
proxyType, "<audience>", "<client_key>".toCharArray, "<tokenServiceUrl>", "<tokenServiceUser>", 
"<tokenServicePassword>".toCharArray(), additionalProperties);

Authorization Management Service

  • Create a new role with the specified name, for the specified account and application
    authorizationManagementService.createRole("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount", "role");
  • Create a list of new roles for the specified account and application
    List<String> roles = Arrays.asList("role1", "role2");
    authorizationManagementService.createRoles("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount", roles);
  • Retrieve a list of all roles for the specified account and application
    List<Role> roles = authorizationManagementService.retrieveRoles("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount");
  • Deletes a role for the specified account and application
    authorizationManagementService.deleteRole("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount", "role");
  • Deletes a list of roles for the specified account and application
    List<String> roles = Arrays.asList("role1", "role2");
    authorizationManagementService.deleteRoles("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount", roles);
  • Assigns the specified user a role for the specified account and application
    authorizationManagementService.assignUserToRole("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount", "role", "username");
  • Assigns a list of users a role for the specified account and application
    List<String> usernames = Arrays.asList("user1", "user2");
    authorizationManagementService.assignUsersToRole("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount", "role", usernames);
  • Retrieve all users which have the specified role assinged for the specified account and application
    List<User> users = authorizationManagementService.retrieveUsersAssignedToRole("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount", "role");
  • Unassigns the specified user from a role for the specified account and application
    authorizationManagementService.unassignUserFromRole("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount", "role", "username");
  • Unassigns a list of users from a role for the specified account and application
    List<String> usernames = Arrays.asList("user1", "user2");
    authorizationManagementService.unassignUsersFromRole("accountName", "appName", "providerAccount", "role", usernames);
  • Unassigns all roles assigned to the specified user
    authorizationManagementService.unassignAllRolesFromUser("accountName", "userName");

Utility Classes


Provides the host for the Neo Configuration API by specified region alias.


Provides the host for the Authorization Management API by specified region alias and subaccount.

Thrown Exceptions


  • ConnectionException if an IOException occurs while executing an HTTP request.
  • ResponseException if an error HTTP status code is received.
  • UnauthorizedException if the user is not authorized to do the operation.

Configuration Service

  • DestinationNotFoundException if the destination to be retrieved or deleted is not found
  • PermissionDeniedException if required authorization scope is missing


We welcome any exchange and collaboration with individuals and organizations interested in the use, support and extension of this library.


Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file


SAP SE, a global software company, is one of the largest vendors of ERP and other enterprise applications.

