Project Group: com.squeakysand.devtools

com.squeakysand.devtools - static-checks-java

com.squeakysand.devtools : static-checks-java

Aggregates the modules related to applying static checks to Java source code.

Last Version: 5

Release Date:

Last Version: 5

Release Date:

com.squeakysand.devtools - static-checks-java-self-check

com.squeakysand.devtools : static-checks-java-self-check

Contains static analysis settings to run on the checks defined in the config module.

Last Version: 5

Release Date:

com.squeakysand.devtools - uberpom-java

com.squeakysand.devtools : uberpom-java

Parent POM for all of the Java related Uber POMs.

Last Version: 7

Release Date:

com.squeakysand.devtools - uberpom-java-ear

com.squeakysand.devtools : uberpom-java-ear

A POM that can be extended by all POMs that use the ear packaging type. It extends the main uberpom because EAR files don't contain Java source code so we do not want to inherit all the reporting and other settings from the JAR Uber POM, which are not necessary and would just slow the build down.

Last Version: 7

Release Date:

com.squeakysand.devtools - uberpom-java-jar

com.squeakysand.devtools : uberpom-java-jar

A POM that can be extended by POMs that deal with Java source code (jars, wars and ejbs etc). It configures many common reports and other build settings that are common to all projects that contain Java source code.

Last Version: 7

Release Date:

com.squeakysand.devtools - uberpom-java-ejb

com.squeakysand.devtools : uberpom-java-ejb

A POM that can be extended by POMs that are used to build EJBs. It extends the JAR Uber POM because EJB files contain Java source code so we want to inherit all the reporting and other settings.

Last Version: 7

Release Date:

com.squeakysand.devtools - uberpom-java-jar-bnd

com.squeakysand.devtools : uberpom-java-jar-bnd

A POM that can be extended by POMs that are intended to create a Jar and a BND based Jar at the same time.

Last Version: 7

Release Date:

com.squeakysand.devtools - uberpom-java-war

com.squeakysand.devtools : uberpom-java-war

A POM that can be extended by POMs that use the WAR packaging type. It extends the JAR Uber POM because WAR files can contain Java source code so we want to inherit all the reporting and other settings.

Last Version: 7

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.5.0

Release Date:

com.squeakysand.devtools - uberpom

com.squeakysand.devtools : uberpom

The highest level pom used for all SqueakySand projects.

Last Version: 5

Release Date:

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