Web Test Automation User Guide
Webtau (Web Test automation) - concise and expressive way to write end-to-end and unit tests.
Test your application across multiple layers:
- GraphQL API
- Web UI
- Database
- Business Logic (JVM only)
Use one layer to re-enforce tests on another. E.g. REST API layer to set up data for Web UI test, or database layer to validate GraphQL API.
Tests can be written in any JVM language. Language specific syntactic sugar is available for Groovy
scenario("check weather") {
http.get("/weather") {
temperature.shouldBe < 100
def PRICES = db.table("PRICES")
PRICES << [ "id" | "description" | "available" | "type" | "price" ] {
cell.guid | "nice set" | true | "card" | 1000
cell.guid | "nice set" | true | "card" | cell.above + 10
cell.guid | "another set" | permute(true, false) | permute("rts", "fps") | cell.above + 20 }