Create Java project with Maven archetype vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet
This archetype generates a Liferay portlet plugin project that relies on the Vaadin bundles being installed on the portal server.
The result of the maven build is an OSGi bundle that can be installed on a Liferay 7+ server. The Vaadin integration handles the registration of the annotated UI as a Portlet.
Create a Java Project by archetype vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet with Command Line:
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId="" -DartifactId="my-app-id" -DliferayKernelVersion="My-liferayKernelVersion" -DuiClassName="My-uiClassName" -Dtheme="My-theme" -DportletTitle="My-portletTitle" -DportletShortTitle="My-portletShortTitle" -DportletKeywords="My-portletKeywords" -DportletDescription="My-portletDescription" -DportletName="My-portletName" -DportletDisplayName="My-portletDisplayName" -DliferayCategoryName="My-liferayCategoryName" -DarchetypeGroupId="com.vaadin" -DarchetypeArtifactId="vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet" -DarchetypeVersion="8.4.1" -DinteractiveMode=false
Required parameters for generate java project:
- liferayKernelVersion
validationRegex: none
- uiClassName
validationRegex: none
- theme
validationRegex: none
- portletTitle
validationRegex: none
- portletShortTitle
validationRegex: none
- portletKeywords
validationRegex: none
- portletDescription
validationRegex: none
- portletName
validationRegex: none
- portletDisplayName
validationRegex: none
- liferayCategoryName
validationRegex: none
Details about maven archetype vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet
GroupId |
GroupIdcom.vaadin |
ArtifactId |
ArtifactIdvaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet |
Version |
Version8.4.1 |
Type |
Typemaven-archetype |
How to add to project