Project Group: com.virgilsecurity

Virgil E3Kit Kotlin Common

com.virgilsecurity : ethree-common

Virgil Security provides an SDK which symplifies work with Virgil services and presents easy to use API for adding security to any application. In a few simple steps you can setup user encryption with multidevice support.

Last Version: 2.0.10

Release Date:

Virgil E3Kit Java/Kotlin SDK with Secure Enclave

com.virgilsecurity : ethree-enclave

Virgil Security provides an SDK which symplifies work with Virgil services and presents easy to use API for adding security to any application. In a few simple steps you can setup user encryption with multidevice support.

Last Version: 2.0.10

Release Date:

Virgil E3Kit Java/Kotlin SDK

com.virgilsecurity : ethree

Virgil Security provides an SDK which symplifies work with Virgil services and presents easy to use API for adding security to any application. In a few simple steps you can setup user encryption with multidevice support.

Last Version: 2.0.10

Release Date:

Virgil SDK

com.virgilsecurity : common

Virgil is a stack of security libraries (ECIES with Crypto Agility wrapped in Virgil Cryptogram) and all the necessary infrastructure to enable seamless, end-to-end encryption for any application, platform or device. Learn about Virgil Java/Android SDK

Last Version: 7.3.2

Release Date:

Virgil Pythia Java SDK

com.virgilsecurity : pythia

Virgil Security provides an SDK which allows you to communicate with Virgil Pythia Service.

Last Version: 0.3.7

Release Date:

Virgil Pythia Android SDK

com.virgilsecurity : pythia-android

Virgil Security provides an SDK which allows you to communicate with Virgil Pythia Service.

Last Version: 0.3.7

Release Date:

Virgil Double Ratchet Java/Kotlin SDK

com.virgilsecurity : ratchet

Virgil Security is presenting an implementation of the [Double Ratchet]( algorithm, which is used by parties to exchange encrypted messages based on a shared secret key. The implementation includes: - **Virgil Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) service** – a standalone web-service that is dedicated to managing one-time keys and long-time keys that are based on their Identity Public Keys (public keys that are contained in user cards published on Virgil Cards service); - **Ratchet SDK** – interacts with PFS service for publishing and managing one-time keys and long-time keys and interacts with Virgil Cards service for retrieving user's indentity cards which the OTK and LTK are based on. The parties derive new keys for every Double Ratchet message so that previous private keys cannot be calculated from new ones. The parties that participate in the communication also send Diffie-Hellman public values attached to their messages. The results of Diffie-Hellman calculations are mixed into the derived keys so that the new private keys cannot be calculated from the previous ones.

Last Version: 0.1.4

Release Date:

Virgil Double Ratchet Android SDK

com.virgilsecurity : ratchet-android

Virgil Security is presenting an implementation of the [Double Ratchet]( algorithm, which is used by parties to exchange encrypted messages based on a shared secret key. The implementation includes: - **Virgil Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) service** – a standalone web-service that is dedicated to managing one-time keys and long-time keys that are based on their Identity Public Keys (public keys that are contained in user cards published on Virgil Cards service); - **Ratchet SDK** – interacts with PFS service for publishing and managing one-time keys and long-time keys and interacts with Virgil Cards service for retrieving user's indentity cards which the OTK and LTK are based on. The parties derive new keys for every Double Ratchet message so that previous private keys cannot be calculated from new ones. The parties that participate in the communication also send Diffie-Hellman public values attached to their messages. The results of Diffie-Hellman calculations are mixed into the derived keys so that the new private keys cannot be calculated from the previous ones.

Last Version: 0.1.4

Release Date:

Virgil common tests functionalities

com.virgilsecurity : test-common

Virgil is a stack of security libraries (ECIES with Crypto Agility wrapped in Virgil Cryptogram) and all the necessary infrastructure to enable seamless, end-to-end encryption for any application, platform or device. Learn about Virgil Java/Android SDK

Last Version: 0.1.3

Release Date:

Purekit Protobuf messages

com.virgilsecurity : purekit-protos

In fact that kotlin does not support Protobuf well - protos was moved to separate module to get all to work.

Last Version: 3.0.0

Release Date:

Purekit Kotlin/Java SDK

com.virgilsecurity : purekit

Virgil Security introduces an implementation of the Password-Hardened Encryption (PHE) protocol that provides developers with a technology to protect users passwords from offline/online attacks and make stolen passwords useless even if your database has been compromised.

Last Version: 3.0.0

Release Date:

Virgil E3Kit Java/Kotlin SDK

com.virgilsecurity : ethree-kotlin

Virgil Security provides an SDK which symplifies work with Virgil services and presents easy to use API for adding security to any application. In a few simple steps you can setup user encryption with multidevice support.

Last Version: 0.6.1-beta1

Release Date:

Virgil KeyKnox Java/Android SDK

com.virgilsecurity : keyknox

Virgil Security provides an SDK which allows you to communicate with Virgil Keyknox Service. Virgil Keyknox Service allows users to store their sensitive data (such as Private Key) encrypted (with end-to-end encryption) for using and sharing it between different devices.

Last Version: 0.2.1

Release Date:

Virgil E3Kit Kotlin Coroutines SDK

com.virgilsecurity : ethree-kotlin-coroutines

Virgil Security provides an SDK which symplifies work with Virgil services and presents easy to use API for adding security to any application. In a few simple steps you can setup user encryption with multidevice support.

Last Version: 0.4.0

Release Date:

Passw0rd Kotlin/Java SDK

com.virgilsecurity : passw0rd

Virgil Security introduces an implementation of the Password-Hardened Encryption (PHE) protocol that provides developers with a technology to protect users passwords from offline/online attacks and make stolen passwords useless even if your database has been compromised.

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:

Passw0rd Protobuf messages

com.virgilsecurity : passw0rd-protos

In fact that kotlin does not support Protobuf well - protos was moved to separate module to get all to work.

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

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