Project Group: com.virgilsecurity.crypto

Virgil Security Crypto Common

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : common-android

This library is designed to be small, flexible and convenient wrapper for a variety crypto algorithms. So it can be used in a small micro controller as well as in a high load server application.

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

Virgil Security Crypto Foundation

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : foundation-android

This library contains basic cryptographic algorithms and can be used as building blocks for complex solutions.

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

Virgil Security Crypto Pythia

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : pythia-android

Cryptographic background for the Pythia PRF Service.

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

Virgil Security Crypto Library - Pythia

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : pythia

Cryptographic background for the Pythia PRF Service.

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

Virgil Security Crypto Library - Ratchet

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : ratchet

Implementation of the Double Ratchet Algorithm.

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

Virgil Security Crypto Ratchet

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : ratchet-android

Implementation of the Double Ratchet Algorithm.

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

Virgil Security Crypto PHE

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : phe-android

Cryptographic background for the Password-Hardened Encryption (PHE) protocol that provides developers with a technology to protect users passwords from offline attacks and make stolen passwords useless even if your database has been compromised.

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

Virgil Crypto - Foundation

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : foundation

Virgil is a stack of security libraries (ECIES with Crypto Agility wrapped in Virgil Cryptogram) and all the necessary infrastructure to enable seamless, end-to-end encryption for any application, platform or device. Learn about Virgil Java/Android SDK

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Virgil Crypto - Common

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : common

Virgil is a stack of security libraries (ECIES with Crypto Agility wrapped in Virgil Cryptogram) and all the necessary infrastructure to enable seamless, end-to-end encryption for any application, platform or device. Learn about Virgil Java/Android SDK

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Virgil Crypto - PHE

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : phe

Virgil is a stack of security libraries (ECIES with Crypto Agility wrapped in Virgil Cryptogram) and all the necessary infrastructure to enable seamless, end-to-end encryption for any application, platform or device. Learn about Virgil Java/Android SDK

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Virgil Crypto - Parent

com.virgilsecurity.crypto : parent

Virgil is a stack of security libraries (ECIES with Crypto Agility wrapped in Virgil Cryptogram) and all the necessary infrastructure to enable seamless, end-to-end encryption for any application, platform or device. Learn about Virgil Java/Android SDK

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

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