REST framework for Google App Engine
Generate starter project using Maven Archetype
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.wadpam.gaelic -DarchetypeArtifactId=gaelic-archetype-starter -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.8
If this is your first time using this App Engine SDK of the version, download and unpack the SDK by typing
mvn gae:unpack
in the generated projects directory. Then, build your project and start your development server with
mvn clean gae:run
Gaelic was created when we wanted to replace Spring framework with something more suitable for Google App Engine. We had suffered bad from (too) long initialization times (loading requests), and needed something that initializes very quickly.
We tried Jersey, but decided to give up the following:
- Annotation-based mapping of resources / controllers
- Compatibility with non-GAE environments
and push hard for
- Convention over Configuration
- Very few dependencies
Supported Features
- Tree-style mapping of REST URLs to resources in Configuration
- Spring-style Interceptors with flexible "point-cuts"
- Security out-of-the-box with Basic Authentication and OAuth2
- CRUD resources with Leaf, Service and mardao Dao
- App Domain management mapping to GAE Namespace
- OAuth2 Provider implementation
and non-functional requirements:
- Core dependency only to Jackson and Slf4j
- Security adds dependency to commons-codec
Application Configuration
The GaelicServlet
requires an implementation of the GaelicConfig
to be specified as an init-param in web.xml:
The Configuration is instantiated and the
Node init(GaelicServlet gaelicServlet, ServletConfig servletConfig);
method is invoked. It should return your one root Node
(subclass) instance.
Here's a simple Config example:
public class UnitTestConfig implements GaelicConfig, SecurityConfig {
public Node init(GaelicServlet gaelicServlet, ServletConfig servletConfig) {
DomainSecurityInterceptor securityInterceptor = new DomainSecurityInterceptor();
SecurityDetailsService detailsService = new UnitTestDetailsService();
Collection<Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>>> basicWhitelist = WHITELIST_BUILDER
.with("\\A/api/[^/]+/public\\z", GET)
// add /api/{domain}
.interceptedPath("{domain}", securityInterceptor)
// add /endpoints
.add("endpoints", MethodUriLeaf.class).named("getEndpoints()");
// add public whitelisted
.add("public", MethodUriLeaf.class).named("public");
// add _admin
.add("task", MethodUriLeaf.class).named("AdminTask");
It creates and maps the following resource tree:
- /api
- /api/{domain}
- /api/{domain}/endpoints
- /api/{domain}/public
- /api/{domain}/_admin/task
- the Security interceptor is mapped to /api/* requests
- endpoints is a protected resource
- GET public has public access
- task should be Container-based secured via web.xml
Interceptors are implemented either by implementing the Interceptor
interface, or by extending the InterceptorAdapter
class. The interceptors should be injected into either InterceptorDelegate
node, or into InterceptedPath
Three security interceptors are provided by the Gaelic framework:
SecurityInterceptor extends InterceptorAdapter
+ - DomainSecurityInterceptor extends SecurityInterceptor
+ - OAuth2Interceptor extends DomainSecurityInterceptor
CRUD Resources
There is a CrudLeaf you can extend or map in the tree, to get out-of-the-box methods for the basic CRUD operations:
a page of entitiesGET /{id}
a specific entityPOST /
to create a new entityPOST /{id}
to update a specific entityDELETE /{id}
to delete a specific entity
There is also a CrudService implementation with connects your Resource with the Datastore using Mardao.
App Domain
With the concept of App Domains, you can host for multiple, separated customers from the same App Engine application. Their data is separated (multi-tenancy) by using Namespaces. Convention is to select domain via the REST path, e.g.
where the App Domain would be named bmw. This App Domain entity also has properties for username and password, so you can protect some API methods within /api/bmw/ with Basic Authentication. An App Domain also has a tracking code property, allowing to send tracking for /api/bmw to a bmw-dedicated Analytics Account (e.g. Google Analytics).
OAuth2 Provider
Look at the sub-module gaelic-oauth2-provider
README page for more information on OAuth2 Provider implementation.