Asto stands for Abstract Storage, an abstraction over physical data storage system. The main entity of the library is an interface com.artipie.asto.Storage
, a contract which requires to implement the following functionalities:
- put/get operations
- transaction support
- list files in a directory
- check if a file/directory exists
Supported abstractions:
- File system
- S3
This is the dependency you need:
Read the Javadoc for more technical details.
Quick start
Create a hello.txt
file with "Hello World!"
content on file-system-based storage in blocking way:
final BlockingStorage storage = new BlockingStorage(
new FileStorage(
).save(new Key.From("hello.txt"), "Hello World!".getBytes());
The same with RxJava2 way:
new RxStorageWrapper(
new FileStorage(
new Key.From("hello.txt"),
ByteBuffer.wrap("Hello World!".getBytes())
How to contribute
Fork repository, make changes, send us a pull request. We will review your changes and apply them to the master
branch shortly, provided they don't violate our quality standards. To avoid frustration, before sending us your pull request please run full Maven build:
$ mvn clean install -Pqulice
To avoid build errors use Maven 3.2+.