
A Markdown library for Java





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A Markdown library for Java
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Philip Heyse
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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'de.bright-side.brightmarkdown:brightmarkdown:1.7.0-legacy-java8'
implementation ("de.bright-side.brightmarkdown:brightmarkdown:1.7.0-legacy-java8")
<dependency org="de.bright-side.brightmarkdown" name="brightmarkdown" rev="1.7.0-legacy-java8">
  <artifact name="brightmarkdown" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='de.bright-side.brightmarkdown', module='brightmarkdown', version='1.7.0-legacy-java8')
libraryDependencies += "de.bright-side.brightmarkdown" % "brightmarkdown" % "1.7.0-legacy-java8"
[de.bright-side.brightmarkdown/brightmarkdown "1.7.0-legacy-java8"]


test (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.junit.jupiter : junit-jupiter-engine jar 5.5.2

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.


BrightMarkdown is a light weight java library to process markdown text. Created 2017-2019 by Philip Heyse




  • headings
  • formatting: bold, italic, strike through
  • foreground and background color
  • bullet point lists
  • numbered lists
  • images
  • links
  • checkbox lists
  • horizontal rules
  • code blocks incl. syntax highlighting for Java and XML
  • tables


Including via Maven


Including via Gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'de.bright-side.brightmarkdown:brightmarkdown:1.7.0'

Java 8 Legacy version

For Java 8 please use version "1.7.0-legacy-java8"

get documentation as HTML

String html = new BrightMarkdown().createHTML(input);

create full HTML document

String input = "# Title\n* item 1\n* item 2\n* item 3\n\nThis text is *bold*.";
String html = new BrightMarkdown().createHTML(input);

create HTML code to be embedded in web page document (e.g. without the and tags)

String input = "# Title\n* item 1\n* item 2\n* item 3\n\nThis text is *bold*.";
String embeddableHtml = brightMarkdown.createHTML(input, OutputType.EMBEDDABLE_HTML_CODE);

The CSS for a web page where the element has the name 'my-markdown' could be this:

table.brightmarkdown{border-collapse: collapse;}
table.brightmarkdown td {border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px;}
table.brightmarkdown th {border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px;}
table.brightmarkdown th {background-color: #a0a0a0;}
table.brightmarkdown tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #d8d8d8;}
table.brightmarkdown tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #ffffff;}
.my-markdown img{border-style: solid;}
.my-markdown h1{font-size:8mm;}
.my-markdown h2{font-size:7mm;}
.my-markdown h3{font-size:6mm;}
.my-markdown h4{font-size:5mm;}



  • # heading level 1
  • ## heading level 2
  • ### heading level 3
  • #### heading level 4
  • ##### heading level 5

Bullet Point Lists

  • * bullet point item level 1
  • ** bullet point item level 2
  • *** bullet point item level 3
  • **** bullet point item level 4-
  • ***** bullet point item level 5
  • Instead of * you can also use -, o or -
  • Instead of multiple markers like ** you can also indent by three or more spaces than the previous item

Numbered list

  • start line with a "." followed by at least one space
  • like bullet point lists you can also indent by three or more spaces than the previous item for sub lists
  • you can also use "1.", "2." etc. Which number is used does not matter. This does not work for sub lists though.


  • use _text_ to write text in italic
  • use *text* to write text in bold
  • use +text+ to write text in underlined
  • use ~text~ to write text in strike through


  • put text between {color:value} and {color} to set a text color
  • put text between {bg-color:value} and {bg-color} to set a text background color
  • instead of "color" and "bg-color" you can also use "c" and "bc"
  • possible color values: "black", "blue", "brown", "cyan", "gold", "gray", "grey", "green", "lightgray", "lightgrey", "darkgray", "darkgrey", "magenta", "red", "teal", "white", "yellow", "pink"
  • you can also specify a color as a hex value like #ffaa00


  • [my link label][]
  • instead of "[" and "]" you can also use "(" and ")"


  • ![alt text][http://path/to/image.png]
  • instead of "[" and "]" you can also use "(" and ")"
  • the 'alt text' part is optional, so you can also write ![http://path/to/image.png]
  • you can also specify the width and/or height and/or border size of the image like this: ![alt text][http://path/to/image.png width=20mm height=10mm border=3mm ]
  • when specifying width, height and/or border you can use the units "%" (percent of parent element), "px" (pixels), "mm" (milimeters) and "in" (inches). You can also leave out the unit for "px".
  • if nothing is specified a border of 1mm and a with of 75% are used

Checkbox lists

  • Start the line with [x] for a checked box and [] for an unchecked box)

Horizontal rule

  • have a line that contains of 3 or more ***
  • instead of * you can also use _, -, = or #


  • use the | character to separate cells
  • place a few - chars underneath the first row to make it a header row
  • place {bg-color:value} or {bc:value} at the beginning of a row to set the row background or at the beginning of a cell to set the cell background

Escaping special characters

  • Place a \ before a special character like * to escape it (ignore for processing)

Code blocks

  • Place a line of ``` or ´´´ before and after the text to indicate a code block
  • write the format (java or xml) behind the indicator for syntax highlighting. Example "```java"

Table of contents

  • have a line with only the text {TOC}

Disable processing

  • place {NOMARKDOWN} at the beginning of the text



Change History

  • Version 1.1.0 (2017-11-19)
    • ignore markers for formatting like '_' if they occur within a word
    • set font sizes of headings via method setFontSizeInMM
  • Version 1.1.1 (2017-12-02)
    • function to read deepest heading level
  • Version 1.1.2 (2017-12-08)
    • Bug fixes / enhancements: empty lines, nested text format fix
  • Version 1.1.3 (2018-01-05)
    • Bug fix for bullet point level up
  • Version 1.2.0 (2018-01-20)
    • Simplified formatting, list levels by indent, TOC
  • Version 1.3.0 (2018-03-03)
    • added table feature
    • added underline formatting
    • tag to disable parsing
  • Version 1.4.0 (2018-06-21)
    • Images
    • combined numbered and bullet point lists with indents
    • text foreground and background color
    • source code formatting: Java and XML
    • nested formatting of bold, italic, underline and strikethrough in any order
  • Version 1.5.0 (2019-04-02)
    • Background color for table rows and table cells
  • Version 1.5.1 (2019-04-10)
    • Bugfix so that HTML creation also works on Android
  • Version 1.5.2 (2019-08-09)
    • Bugfix so that HTML table styles use their own CSS class
  • Version 1.6.0 (2020-04-17):
    • Refactoring for smaller Java classes
    • OutputType to allow choice EMBEDDABLE_HTML_CODE to create the only the code inside the body tag
    • Code blocks in lists
    • image name place holders
    • enhanced image tag: percentage size, border and default width, optional alternative text
    • testing: using JUnit 5, renamed test classes
  • Version 1.6.1 (2020-04-26):
    • bugfix for empty input and output type EMBEDDABLE_HTML_CODE
  • Version 1.7.0 (2020-05-25):
    • syntax highlighting for SQL, Kotlin, JavaScript, TypeScript
    • bugfix over-detecting keywords in syntax highlighting
    • bugfix '.' after code block
    • bugfix NPE for unclosed parenthesis
    • special sections in code blocks to format text for highlighting, indicating placeholders or infos
    • double backticks to indicate code blocks

