
use jooq with spring-data-r2dbc





Spring Boot Container Microservices Data jOOQ Databases




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use jooq with spring-data-r2dbc
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<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/de.gofabian/spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/de.gofabian/spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq/
implementation 'de.gofabian:spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq:0.3.0'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/de.gofabian/spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq/
implementation ("de.gofabian:spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq:0.3.0")
<dependency org="de.gofabian" name="spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq" rev="0.3.0">
  <artifact name="spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='de.gofabian', module='spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq', version='0.3.0')
libraryDependencies += "de.gofabian" % "spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq" % "0.3.0"
[de.gofabian/spring-boot-data-r2dbc-jooq "0.3.0"]


compile (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbc jar 2.4.1
org.jooq : jooq jar 3.12.3

provided (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
io.r2dbc : r2dbc-postgresql jar 0.8.6.RELEASE
dev.miku : r2dbc-mysql jar 0.8.2.RELEASE

test (6)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-test jar 2.4.1
io.r2dbc : r2dbc-h2 jar 0.8.4.RELEASE
org.testcontainers : r2dbc jar 1.15.1
org.testcontainers : postgresql jar 1.15.1
org.testcontainers : mysql jar 1.15.1
mysql : mysql-connector-java jar 8.0.22

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Reactive JOOQ - an R2DBC adapter for Spring Boot

GitHub tag (latest SemVer) tests

This library integrates JOOQ into Spring Data R2DBC.


// fetch queries
var selectQuery = dslContext.selectCount().from(BOOK_TABLE);
Flux<Record1<Integer>> flux = ReactiveJooq.fetch(selectQuery);
Mono<Record1<Integer>> mono = ReactiveJooq.fetchOne(selectQuery);
Mono<Record1<Integer>> mono = ReactiveJooq.fetchAny(selectQuery);
Mono<Integer> mono = ReactiveJooq.fetchCount(selectQuery);
Mono<Boolean> mono = ReactiveJooq.fetchExists(selectQuery);

// fetch queries with generated JOOQ tables
var tableQuery = dslContext.selectFrom(BOOK_TABLE);
Flux<BookRecord> flux = ReactiveJooq.fetch(selectQuery);

// manipulating queries
var insertQuery = dslContext.insertInto(table("book"), field("name")).values("book");
Mono<Integer> mono = ReactiveJooq.execute(insertQuery);

// record manipulation
var record = dslContext.newRecord(BOOK_TABLE);
Mono<Integer> mono = ReactiveJooq.store(record);
Mono<Integer> mono = ReactiveJooq.insert(record);
Mono<Integer> mono = ReactiveJooq.update(record);
Mono<Integer> mono = ReactiveJooq.delete(record);
Mono<Void> mono = ReactiveJooq.refresh(record);

Getting Started with Maven

Add this library and a database driver (e. g. h2) to your pom.xml:


If you use Spring Boot the library auto-configures a DSLContext with the correct SQL dialect for you. You can autowire the DSLContext in your code.

If you do not use Spring Boot make sure that R2dbcJooqAutoConfiguration is detected by Spring.

Example with Spring Boot

public class ReactiveBookService {
    @Autowired DSLContext dslContext;

    public Mono<BookPojo> getBookById(Long id) {
        Query query = dslContext.selectFrom(BOOK_TABLE).where(BOOK_TABLE.ID.eq(id));
        return ReactiveJooq.fetchOne(query).map(r -> r.into(BookPojo.class));

    public Mono<Integer> createBook(BookPojo book) {
        BookRecord record = dslContext.newRecord(BOOK_TABLE, book);
        return ReactiveJooq.insert(record);

    public Mono<Integer> deleteBookById(Long id) {
        Query query = dslContext.deleteFrom(BOOK_TABLE).where(BOOK_TABLE.ID.eq(id));
        return ReactiveJooq.execute(query);


  • Spring Boot 2.4
  • H2, MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Java 8+
  • Spring @Transactional annotation

Realization status

JOOQ Reactive JOOQ
query.execute() -> int ReactiveJooq.execute(query) -> Mono<Integer>
query.fetch() -> Result<R> ReactiveJooq.fetch(query) -> Flux<R>
query.fetchOne() -> R ReactiveJooq.fetchOne(query) -> Mono<R>
query.fetchAny() -> R ReactiveJooq.fetchAny(query) -> Mono<R>
dslContext.fetchExists(query) -> boolean ReactiveJooq.fetchExists(query) -> Mono<Boolean>
dslContext.fetchCount(query) -> int ReactiveJooq.fetchCount(query) -> Mono<Integer>
query.returning(...).fetch() -> Result<R> ReactiveJooq.executeReturning(query) -> Flux<R>
query.returning(...).fetchOne() -> Result<R> ReactiveJooq.executeReturningOne(query) -> Mono<R>
record.store() -> int ReactiveJooq.store(record) -> Mono<Integer>
record.insert() -> int ReactiveJooq.insert(record) -> Mono<Integer>
record.update() -> int ReactiveJooq.update(record) -> Mono<Integer>
record.delete() -> int ReactiveJooq.delete(record) -> Mono<Integer>
record.refresh() ReactiveJooq.refresh(record) -> Mono<Void>


The auto-configured DSLContext does not have a JDBC connection. It is only intended to generate SQL strings which is given to the R2DBC database client for execution.

Do not use JOOQ methods that require a JDBC connection (every method that calls the database)! Use the ReactiveJooq methods instead.

Incomplete list of methods that will not work:

  • DslContext.fetchXxx()
  • DslContext.executeXxx()
  • DslContext.transactionXxx()
  • Record.store()
  • Record.insert()
  • Record.update()
  • Record.refresh()
  • Record.delete()

Further unsupported features:

  • RecordListener
  • ExecuteListener
  • TransactionListener
  • settings.setExecuteWithOptimisticLocking(true)
  • settings.setExecuteWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned(true)
  • settings.setUpdateRecordVersion(true)
  • settings.setUpdateRecordTimestamp(true)
  • settings.setUpdatablePrimaryKeys(true)
  • settings.setQueryPoolable(...)
  • settings.setQueryTimeout(...)
  • settings.setMaxRows(...)
  • settings.setFetchSize(...)
  • ...

JOOQ/R2DBC type converters

JOOQ and the R2DBC drivers have built-in support for specific SQL data types. For example: JOOQ puts JSON data into an instance of org.jooq.JSON, the r2dbc-postgresql driver has an own wrapper io.r2dbc.postgresql.codec.Json. That means we need a converter for the JSON <-> Json conversion.

The default converter supports the JSON conversion for MySQL and PostgreSQL and can be found at:


You can override this value if you want to add custom converters:

    Converter myConverter = ...    

    Converter converter = (Converter) dslContext.configuration().data("converter");
    converter = new CompositeConverter(new Converter[]{converter, myConverter});
    dslContext.configuration().data("converter", converter);

Release process

(0) Prerequisites:

Signing key must be available:

$ gpg --list-keys

OSSRH credentials must be available:

$ cat ~/.m2/settings.xml

(1) Manual steps to prepare release, e. g. update version in Readme file

$ nano Readme.md
$ git add . && git commit -m 'Bump version'

(2) Prepare release: update version in pom.xml, git tag

 $ JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk mvn release:prepare

(3) Perform release: build artifact, upload to OSS staging, release to Maven Central

$  JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk mvn release:perform

(4) Publish release to github, too

$ git push --tags

(5) Release should appear in Maven Central after some minutes:



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

