Project Group: de.quantummaid.httpmaid.tests

HttpMaid - Tests - Parent

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.tests : parent

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.47

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Tests - Test Suite

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.tests : testsuite

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.47

Release Date:

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