Project Group: de.rub.nds


de.rub.nds : X509Attacker

X.509-Attacker is a tool based on ASN.1 Tool for creating arbitrary certificates; including especially invalid and malformed certificates. Since X.509 certificates encode their contents in ASN.1, this tool extends the features of ASN.1 Tool in terms of certificate signing. Also, X.509-Attacker introduces a feature of referencing XML elements in order to avoid redundancies when defining certificates in XML.

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:


de.rub.nds : ModifiableVariable

A Modifiable Variable concept allows for easy runtime modifications of basic data types like integers, booleans, or byte arrays

Last Version: 3.5.0

Release Date:

ASN.1 Tool

de.rub.nds : Asn1Tool

ASN.1 Tool is a project for creating arbitrary ASN.1 structures; including malformed ASN.1 structures. Structures are defined in human-readable XML files and allow to specify modifications to the original encoding of data types.

Last Version: 1.4.0

Release Date:

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