ReactorState Maven Project

A collection of tools for incremental Maven builds





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ReactorState Maven Project
A collection of tools for incremental Maven builds
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Quality Gate Status CI Workflow Maven Central

reactorstate-maven is a collection of tools to enable incremental Maven builds in development and CI / CD environments.
It introduces and reuses state between Maven builds to improve build and development workflows.

Table of Contents


CI / CD Environment

Usually it is required to build Maven projects and their assets such as JavaDoc and the Maven Site in one go:

mvn clean verify site

But in most cases it is desired to execute only a subset of Maven lifecycle steps, e.g. dependent on the Git branch and whether it is a release or snapshot build.
Therefore, a better approach would be to be able to invoke Maven build steps incrementally in the following manner:

mvn verify
mvn sonar-maven-plugin:sonar

# only executed on the development branch and Git tags
mvn site

# only executed on a Git tag
mvn gpg:sign

# only executed on a Git tag
mvn deploy:deploy

Unfortunately the Maven build for these commands will fail in a multi-module project, because Maven does not remember previous runs and is therefore not able to find generated artifacts such as generated Jars in subsequent executions.

This may be circumvented by installing the Maven project to the local Maven repository first by utilizing mvn install instead of mvn verify, but that may prove fatal in not entirely isolated build environments where other builds might rely on such unstable artifacts.

Local Development Environment

In local development environments with Maven sub-modules with inter-module dependencies it is required to rebuild the whole Maven project instead of only the sub-module a developer is currently working on and actually wants to build:

mvn test

This usually takes time and a lot of other resources which may be spent in a better manner.

This again may be circumvented by installing the Maven project to the local Maven repository first, but at the cost at polluting it and most probably causing issues in the future.

The preferred approach would be to be able to execute Maven lifecycle steps directly on a Maven sub-module without having to execute it on the whole project:

cd mymodule2
mvn test

IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA execute Maven commands for submodules in this manner and cannot build those submodules because of missing dependencies on other modules in the same project.


reactorstate-maven consists of the Maven Core Extension reactorstate-maven-extension, the Maven Plugin ractorstate-maven-plugin, and the underlying library reactorstate-common.


The reactorstate-maven-plugin is the recommended solution for CI / CD environments to save and restore states of Maven builds between lifecycle executions:

mvn verify reactorstate:save
mvn reactorstate:restore sonar-maven-plugin:sonar reactorstate:save
mvn reactorstate:restore site reactorstate:save
mvn reactorstate:restore gpg:sign reactorstate:save
mvn reactorstate:restore deploy:deploy

Declaring the plugin in the pom.xml of your Maven project is discouraged to prevent inconsistencies.


The reactorstate-maven-extension is the recommended solution for local development environments to automatically enable building of Maven sub-modules.
This Maven Core Extension additionally provides the same functionality as the reactorstate-maven-plugin automatically without having to invoke it explicitly.

Local Usage

To utilize the reactorstate-maven-extension only locally download the shaded version via:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=de.syquel.maven.reactorstate:reactorstate-maven-extension:1.0-SNAPSHOT:jar:shaded

You may then either copy it to your local Maven Extension directory located at ${MAVEN_HOME}/lib/ext/
or set the Maven property maven.ext.class.path=${PATH_TO_THE_EXTENSION} globally as environment variable or directly in your IDE.

Project-wide Usage

To utilize the reactorstate-maven-extension automatically in the project for all developers you may add it as a Maven Core extension within the project.
It must be added to the file .mvn/extension.xml within your Maven project directory:

<extensions xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

Declaring the extension in the pom.xml of your Maven project is not possible, because it must be executed before the project is actually being read by Maven.

Further Reading


