Many different lists (itemize/unordered, enumerate/ordered, checklist, description) with support for nested lists, using ASCII and UTF characters for labels.







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Many different lists (itemize/unordered, enumerate/ordered, checklist, description) with support for nested lists, using ASCII and UTF characters for labels.
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<!-- -->
implementation 'de.vandermeer:asciilist:0.0.5'
implementation ("de.vandermeer:asciilist:0.0.5")
<dependency org="de.vandermeer" name="asciilist" rev="0.0.5">
  <artifact name="asciilist" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='de.vandermeer', module='asciilist', version='0.0.5')
libraryDependencies += "de.vandermeer" % "asciilist" % "0.0.5"
[de.vandermeer/asciilist "0.0.5"]


compile (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
de.vandermeer : ascii-utf-themes jar 0.0.1
de.vandermeer : char-translation jar 0.0.2

test (2)

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junit : junit jar 4.12
de.sven-jacobs : loremipsum jar 1.0

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current release 0.0.5, all releases

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older blog, updated SKB Wiki



For Maven declare a dependency in the <dependencies> section of your POM file.

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Gradle / Grails

compile 'de.vandermeer:asciilist:0.0.5'

For other build systems see Maven Central


The package offers a number of different lists. Some of those lists come with specific configuration options.

  • Itemize lists (as in LaTeX itemize or HTML ul)

  • Enumerate lists (as in LaTeX enumerate or HTML ol)

  • Check lists with items being checked or not checked

  • Description lists (as in LaTeX description)

The lists come with several options to add content and to configure render options:

  • Add items as plain text, collection of objects, or other lists

    • checklist items can be added as a checked or not checked item

    • description list items can be added with title and content of the description

    • adding lists as item will create nested lists of any combination

  • Set width of the overall list, with automated line wrapping for overlength item text

  • Set indentation and string before and after the list label

  • Enumerate lists can set a label separator

  • Description lists can be one line or two lines, with flexible indentation

  • Set level of items manually

  • Set list style, with a large number of different pre-defined styles available


The main concepts are: list, item, label, style.


A list is a collection of items. The content and form of the items depends on the list. Lists can be:

  • Itemize or unordered - simple items with same label

  • Enumerate or ordered - simple items, ordered, with individual label

  • Checklist - items that have a label showing that they are checked or unchecked

  • Description or definition or labeled - items that have a term and a description

  • FAQ or Q&A - items that have an question and an answer, can be itemize or enumerate

Lists items can contain other lists. This feature results in nested lists. If lists of the same type are nested the label itself of the label style can be a continuation of the parent list.

Lists are created and filled. Then lists can be configured to get the expected printed output. Finally, a list is rendered, i.e. a printable representation of the list and all its items is created.


An item is the actual content of a list. Simple items have only some text. More complex items have several parts, for instance the term and description of a description list. Some items have text plus other configuration options, such as items in a checklist.


A label is the marker of an item. Labels strongly depend on the particular list. Most configuration on lists is actually on the label.

The following concepts are used in the lists here for labels:

  • Pre-label indentation - is the indentation used before the label. This is the first set of characters printed.

  • Pre-label string - is a string printed before every label of a list. This is printed after the pre-label indentation, as the second set of characters.

  • Label - the actual label, for instance "*" or "-" for itemize or "1." and "1.1." for enumerate lists.

  • Post-label string - is a string printed right after every label of a list.

  • Post-label indentation - is the indentation after the label (and before the item’s content).

  • Multi-line indentation - is used in some lists for the indentation from the second line onwards (if lines are wrapped).

All lists allow to manipulate the pre/post label characteristics directly. The label can be styled using a style. Multi-line indentation do only apply for some lists, where it cannot or should not be calculated automatically.


Styles are used to style labels of lists or of nested lists. The style of a label depends on the particular list. Most lists in this package provide a number of different styles.

Styles for nested lists are used if those lists are a continuation. These styles allow to change the label style in nested lists. For some lists (e.g. enumerate) they also allow to re-use parts of the parent list for the label.

Getting Started

The standard usage is:

  • create a list

  • add items to the list

  • configure any aspect to change default render behavior, if required

  • render the list

  • use the created string, e.g. print it to a console or write it to a file

First, create a list. The example creates an itemize list.

ItemizeList list = new ItemizeList();

Next, add content to your list. List content are items. We add one item at a time.

list.addItem("item 1");
list.addItem("item 2");
list.addItem("item 3");

Next, render the list. This will provide the text output using all settings.

String rend = list.render();

Finally, print the list to standard out.


The output will be:

 * item 1
 * item 2
 * item 3


Render behavior

Two examples with different renderer behavior:

  • indentation of 5 characters before the label

  • indentation of 5 characters after the label

  • pre and post label characters set to >> and <<

     * item 1		 *     item 1		 >>*<< item 1
     * item 2		 *     item 2		 >>*<< item 2
     * item 3		 *     item 3		 >>*<< item 3

Change list render behavior - label style

Using HTML-like labels for an itemize list.

 • item 1
 • item 2
 • item 3

Nested lists

Two examples:

  • itemize list with * character as label

  • numbered list with continued numbering

 * item 1                             1 item 1
   ** item 2                            1.1 item 2
      *** item 3                            1.1.1 item 3
          **** item 4                    item 4
               ***** item 5                      item 5
                     ****** item 6                         item 6

Width with automated line wrapping

Two lists without any line wrapping (content of each item fits into the width set for the list).

        * il 1 item 1 some text        1 el 1 item 1 some text
        * il 1 item 2 some text        2 el 1 item 2 some text
          ** il 2 item 1 text            2.A el 2 item 1 text
          ** il 2 item 2 text            2.B el 2 item 2 text

Same lists with smaller width and automated line wrapping.

        * il 1 item 1 some        1 el 1 item 1 some
          text                      text
        * il 1 item 2 some        2 el 1 item 2 some
          text                      text
          ** il 2 item 1            2.A el 2 item 1
             text                       text
          ** il 2 item 2            2.B el 2 item 2
             text                       text

Enumerate list with special pre-label string and style

Set the pre-label to E and the style to subscript using Arabic numbers.

	 E₁ item 1
	 E₂ item 2
	 E₃ item 3

Checklists with different styles

Standard style (left), UTF ballot box style (middle), and UTF ballot box X style (right).

         [ ] item unchecked     ☐ item unchecked     ☐ item unchecked
         [X] item checked       ☑ item checked       ☒ item checked

Predefined Styles

Nested Itemize Lists

Two options for using *:

  • NestedItemizeStyles.ALL_STAR for unlimited levels (left)

  • NestedItemizeStyles.ALL_STAR_INCREMENTAL incremental for up to 6 levels (right)

* item 1                          * item 1
* item 2                          * item 2
   * item 1                          ** item 1
   * item 2                          ** item 2
      * item 1                          *** item 1
      * item 2                          *** item 2
         * item 1                          **** item 1
         * item 2                          **** item 2
            * item 1                          ***** item 1
            * item 2                          ***** item 2
               * item 1                          ****** item 1
               * item 2                          ****** item 2

Two options for using -:

  • NestedItemizeStyles.ALL_HYPHEN for unlimited levels (left)

  • NestedItemizeStyles.ALL_HYPHEN_INCREMENTAL incremental for up to 6 levels (right)

- item 1                       - item 1
- item 2                       - item 2
   - item 1                       -- item 1
   - item 2                       -- item 2
      - item 1                       --- item 1
      - item 2                       --- item 2
         - item 1                       ---- item 1
         - item 2                       ---- item 2
            - item 1                       ----- item 1
            - item 2                       ----- item 2
               - item 1                       ------ item 1
               - item 2                       ------ item 2

Two options for using +:

  • NestedItemizeStyles.ALL_PLUS for unlimited levels (left)

  • NestedItemizeStyles.ALL_PLUS_INCREMENTAL incremental for up to 6 levels (right)

+ item 1                       + item 1
+ item 2                       + item 2
   + item 1                       ++ item 1
   + item 2                       ++ item 2
      + item 1                       +++ item 1
      + item 2                       +++ item 2
         + item 1                       ++++ item 1
         + item 2                       ++++ item 2
            + item 1                       +++++ item 1
            + item 2                       +++++ item 2
               + item 1                       ++++++ item 1
               + item 2                       ++++++ item 2

Some more options defined for 3 and 2 levels:

  • NestedItemizeStyles.HTML_LIKE for 3 levels (most left)

  • NestedItemizeStyles.UTF_TEAR_DROP for 3 levels (second left)

  • NestedItemizeStyles.UTF_FLORETTE for 3 levels (middle)

  • NestedItemizeStyles.UTF_SNOWFLAKE for 3 levels (second right)

  • NestedItemizeStyles.UTF_SPARKLE for 2 levels (most right)

• item 1          ✻ item 1          ✿ item 1          ❄ item 1          ❇ item 1
• item 2          ✻ item 2          ✿ item 2          ❄ item 2          ❇ item 2
   ○ item 1          ✼ item 1          ❀ item 1          ❅ item 1          ❈ item 1
   ○ item 2          ✼ item 2          ❀ item 2          ❅ item 2          ❈ item 2
      ▪ item 1          ✾ item 1          ❁ item 1          ❆ item 1
      ▪ item 2          ✾ item 2          ❁ item 2          ❆ item 2

Three more options for up to 6 levels each:

  • NestedItemizeStyles.UTF_ARROwS (left)

  • NestedItemizeStyles.UTF_STARS (middle)

  • NestedItemizeStyles.UTF_STARS_OUTLINE (right)

➔ item 1                   ✳ item 1                   ✧ item 1
➔ item 2                   ✳ item 2                   ✧ item 2
   ➜ item 1                   ✴ item 1                   ✩ item 1
   ➜ item 2                   ✴ item 2                   ✩ item 2
      ➡ item 1                   ✵ item 1                   ✫ item 1
      ➡ item 2                   ✵ item 2                   ✫ item 2
         ➞ item 1                   ✷ item 1                   ✬ item 1
         ➞ item 2                   ✷ item 2                   ✬ item 2
            ➝ item 1                   ✹ item 1                   ✭ item 1
            ➝ item 2                   ✹ item 2                   ✭ item 2
               ➙ item 1                   ✺ item 1                   ✯ item 1
               ➙ item 2                   ✺ item 2                   ✯ item 2

Enumerate Lists

Several styles for upper case alphanumeric labels:

  • EnumerateStyles.Alpha_ascii for standard upper case letters (left)

  • EnumerateStyles.Alpha_utf_circle for UTF Circled Latin Capital Letters (middle)

  • EnumerateStyles.Alpha_utf_fullwidth for UTF Fullwidth Latin Capital Letters (right)

A item 1        Ⓐ item 1        A item 1
B item 2        Ⓑ item 2        B item 2
C item 3        Ⓒ item 3        C item 3

Several options for lower case alphanumeric labels:

  • EnumerateStyles.alpha_ascii for lower case alphanumeric characters (left)

  • EnumerateStyles.alpha_utf_circle for UTF Circled Latin Small Letters characters (second left)

  • EnumerateStyles.alpha_utf_parenthesized for UTF Parenthesized Latin Small Letter characters (second right)

  • EnumerateStyles.alpha_fullwidth for UTF Fullwidth Latin Small characters (right)

a item 1        ⓐ item 1        ⒜ item 1        a item 1
b item 2        ⓑ item 2        ⒝ item 2        b item 2
c item 3        ⓒ item 3        ⒞ item 3        c item 3

Several styles for lower case Arabic number labels:

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_ascii for Arabic numbers (left)

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_circle for UTF Circled Digit character (second left)

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_double_circle for UTF Double Circled Digit character (third left)

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_circle_dingbat_negative for UTF Dingbat Negative Circled Digit character (third right)

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_circle_dingbat_sanserif for UTF Dingbat Sanserif Circled Digit character (second right)

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_circle_dingbat_negative_sanserif for UTF Dingbat Negative Sanserif Circled Digit character (right)

1 item 1    ① item 1    ⓵ item 1    ❶ item 1    ➀ item 1    ➊ item 1
2 item 2    ② item 2    ⓶ item 2    ❷ item 2    ➁ item 2    ➋ item 2
3 item 3    ③ item 3    ⓷ item 3    ❸ item 3    ➂ item 3    ➌ item 3

Styles for lower case Arabic number labels:

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_superscript for UTF Superscript characters (left)

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_subscript for UTF Subscript characters (second left)

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_full_stop for UTF Fullstop characters (middle)

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_parenthesized for UTF Parenthesized Digit characters (second right)

  • EnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_fullwidth for UTF Fullwidth Digit characters (right)

¹ item 1   ₁ item 1    ⒈ item 1    ⑴ item 1    1 item 1
² item 2   ₂ item 2    ⒉ item 2    ⑵ item 2    2 item 2
³ item 3   ₃ item 3    ⒊ item 3    ⑶ item 3    3 item 3

Several styles for upper case Roman number labels:

  • EnumerateStyles.Roman_ascii for Roman number literals characters (left)

  • EnumerateStyles.Roman_utf_circled for UTF Circled Latin Capital characters (middle)

  • EnumerateStyles.Roman_utf_number_forms for UTF Number Forms characters (right)

I item 1          Ⓘ item 1          Ⅰ item 1
II item 2         ⒾⒾ item 2         Ⅱ item 2
III item 3        ⒾⒾⒾ item 3        Ⅲ item 3

Several styles for lower case Roman number labels:

  • EnumerateStyles.roman_ascii for Roman number literals characters (left)

  • EnumerateStyles.roman_utf_circled for UTF Circled Latin Small characters (middle)

  • EnumerateStyles.roman_utf_number_forms for UTF Number Forms characters (right)

i item 1          ⓘ item 1          ⅰ item 1
ii item 2         ⓘⓘ item 2         ⅱ item 2
iii item 3        ⓘⓘⓘ item 3        ⅲ item 3

Nested Enumerate Lists

Several styles for all alphanumeric labels:

  • NestedEnumerateStyles.all_Alpha_ascii for standard upper case characters (left)

  • NestedEnumerateStyles.all_alpha_ascii for standard lower case characters (right)

A. item 1                        a. item 1
B. item 2                        b. item 2
   A. item 1                        a. item 1
   B. item 2                        b. item 2
      A. item 1                        a. item 1
      B. item 2                        b. item 2
         A. item 1                        a. item 1
         B. item 2                        b. item 2
            A. item 1                        a. item 1
            B. item 2                        b. item 2
               A. item 1                        a. item 1
               B. item 2                        b. item 2

Arabic numbers in NestedEnumerateStyles.all_arabic_ascii:

1. item 1
2. item 2
   1. item 1
   2. item 2
      1. item 1
      2. item 2
         1. item 1
         2. item 2
            1. item 1
            2. item 2
               1. item 1
               2. item 2

Several styles for all roman number labels:

  • NestedEnumerateStyles.all_Roman_ascii for upper case roman numbers (left)

  • NestedEnumerateStyles.all_roman_ascii for lower case roman numbers (right)

I. item 1                        i. item 1
II. item 2                       ii. item 2
   I. item 1                        i. item 1
   II. item 2                       ii. item 2
      I. item 1                        i. item 1
      II. item 2                       ii. item 2
         I. item 1                        i. item 1
         II. item 2                       ii. item 2
            I. item 1                        i. item 1
            II. item 2                       ii. item 2
               I. item 1                        i. item 1
               II. item 2                       ii. item 2

Styles for Arabic supscript and superscript labels:

  • NestedEnumerateStyles.all_utf_arabic_subscript for supscript numbers (left)

  • NestedEnumerateStyles.all_utf_arabic_superscript for superscript numbers (right)

₁. item 1                       ¹. item 1
₂. item 2                       ². item 2
   ₁. item 1                       ¹. item 1
   ₂. item 2                       ². item 2
      ₁. item 1                       ¹. item 1
      ₂. item 2                       ². item 2
         ₁. item 1                       ¹. item 1
         ₂. item 2                       ². item 2
            ₁. item 1                       ¹. item 1
            ₂. item 2                       ². item 2
               ₁. item 1                       ¹. item 1
               ₂. item 2                       ². item 2

Mixed styles:

  • NestedEnumerateStyles.arabic_Alpha_alpha_Roman_roman for # (left)

  • NestedEnumerateStyles.arabic_utf_circled for # (right)

1. item 1                     ⓵. item 1
2. item 2                     ⓶. item 2
   A. item 1                     ①. item 1
   B. item 2                     ②. item 2
      a. item 1                     ➀. item 1
      b. item 2                     ➁. item 2
         I. item 1                     ➊. item 1
         II. item 2                    ➋. item 2
            i. item 1                     ➊. item 1
            ii. item 2                    ➋. item 2


Available styles:

  • CheckListStyles.ASCII_SQUARE_BRACKET_BLANK_X for square brackets and X (left)

  • CheckListStyles.UTF_BALLOT_BOX for UTF-8 ballot box characters (middle)

  • CheckListStyles.UTF_BALLOT_BOX_X for UTF-8 ballot box characters with X box for checked (right)

[ ] unchecked item    ☐ unchecked item    ☐ unchecked item
[X] checked item      ☑ checked item      ☒ checked item

More styles:

  • CheckListStyles.UTF_BALLOT_X using blank for unchecked and UTF-8 ballot X for checked items (left)

  • CheckListStyles.UTF_BALLOT_X_HEAVY using blank for unchecked and UTF-8 ballot heavy X for checked items (second left)

  • CheckListStyles.UTF_CHECKMARK using blank for unchecked and UTF-8 checkmark for checked items (second right)

  • CheckListStyles.UTF_MULTIPLICATION_X using blank for unchecked and UTF-8 multiplication x for checked items (right)

   unchecked item      unchecked item       unchecked item       unchecked item
✗ checked item      ✘ checked item      ✓ checked item      ✕ checked item

Nested Checklists

Available styles:

  • NestedCheckStyles.ALL_SQUARE_BRACKET_BLANK_X for square brackets and X (left)

  • NestedCheckStyles.ALL_UTF_BALLOT_BOX for UTF-8 ballot box characters (middle)

  • NestedCheckStyles.ALL_UTF_BALLOT_BOX_X for UTF-8 ballot box characters with X box for checked (right)

[ ] unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item
[X] checked item                     ☑ checked item                     ☒ checked item
   [ ] unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item
   [X] checked item                     ☑ checked item                     ☒ checked item
      [ ] unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item
      [X] checked item                     ☑ checked item                     ☒ checked item
         [ ] unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item
         [X] checked item                     ☑ checked item                     ☒ checked item
            [ ] unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item
            [X] checked item                     ☑ checked item                     ☒ checked item
               [ ] unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item                   ☐ unchecked item
               [X] checked item                     ☑ checked item                     ☒ checked item

