Project Group: dk.cachet.carp.clients

Clients Domain Model and Application Services

dk.cachet.carp.clients : carp.clients.core-js

A domain model and application services to manage the runtime logic for studies on client devices (e.g., smartphone). What to run as part of an overarching study is retrieved via the deployments subsystem.

Last Version: 1.0.0-alpha.40

Release Date:

Clients Domain Model and Application Services

dk.cachet.carp.clients : carp.clients.core-jvm

A domain model and application services to manage the runtime logic for studies on client devices (e.g., smartphone). What to run as part of an overarching study is retrieved via the deployments subsystem.

Last Version: 1.0.0-alpha.40

Release Date:

Clients Domain Model and Application Services

dk.cachet.carp.clients : carp.clients.core

A domain model and application services to manage the runtime logic for studies on client devices (e.g., smartphone). What to run as part of an overarching study is retrieved via the deployments subsystem.

Last Version: 1.0.0-alpha.40

Release Date:

Clients Domain Model and Application Services

dk.cachet.carp.clients : carp.clients.core-metadata

A domain model and application services to manage the runtime logic for studies on client devices (e.g., smartphone). What to run as part of an overarching study is retrieved via the deployments subsystem.

Last Version: 1.0.0-alpha.34

Release Date:

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