Project Group: eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.nb-ldap-explorer

Last Version: 0.17

Release Date:

NetBeans LDAP Explorer

eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.nb-ldap-explorer : nb-ldap-explorer

NetBeans module for exploring LDAP services from within NetBeans. This modules does not replace a professional LDAP client, rather it provides a simple and quick interface for basic interaction with LDAP services.

Last Version: 0.17

Release Date:

Netbeans LDIF Editor

eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.nb-ldap-explorer : nb-ldif-editor

Syntax Highlighting for LDIF-Files (intended as a companion to the ldap explorer)

Last Version: 0.17

Release Date:

SSL Certificate Exception

eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.nb-ldap-explorer : ssl_certificate_exception

Handle invalid certificates in SSL connections. This module is needed if connections with SSL endpoints providing self-signed/invalid certificates.

Last Version: 0.17

Release Date:

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