Project Group: fr.faylixe


fr.faylixe : marklet

Marklet is a custom Java Doclet which aims to generate a Javadoc in a markdown format which is ready to use in GitHub.

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:


fr.faylixe : option

Option is a simple Java framework that allows easy command line option parsing.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

GoogleCodeJam Client

fr.faylixe : googlecodejam-client

Java client API for Google Code Jam contest

Last Version: 1.4.11

Release Date:

GoogleCodeJam OSGi Client

fr.faylixe : googlecodejam-client-osgi

OSGi version of Java client API for Google Code Jam contest

Last Version: 1.2.34

Release Date:

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