MSE - msengine-client

MSEngine - Client side library, containing OpenGL natives.





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MSE - msengine-client
MSEngine - Client side library, containing OpenGL natives.
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compile (9)

Group / Artifact Type Version
fr.theorozier : sutil jar 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
fr.theorozier : msengine-common jar 1.1.0
org.lwjgl : lwjgl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-glfw jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-jemalloc jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-openal jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-opengl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-stb jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-vulkan jar

runtime (25)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.lwjgl : lwjgl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-glfw jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-jemalloc jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-openal jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-opengl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-stb jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-glfw jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-jemalloc jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-openal jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-opengl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-stb jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-glfw jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-jemalloc jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-openal jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-opengl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-stb jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-glfw jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-jemalloc jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-openal jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-opengl jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-stb jar
org.lwjgl : lwjgl-vulkan jar

Project Modules

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MSEngine - Java Library over LWJGL 3

This library is built over LWJGL 3 that provide a lot of useful wrapper classes over OpenGL, OpenAL or GLFW "C objects".

The library is split between two modules common and client, the client one depends on the common.

Table of contents

Common module

The common module provides common methods and classes for both your client and server side. This module provides logic, assets management or common utilities.

Package: io.msengine.common


This module provides two interfaces TickRegulated, FrameRegulated useful for TPS and/or FPS regulation, theses two regulations use only the calling thread.

The TickRegulated interface can be implemented on your class and provide a default method regulateTick(tps) to call with the number of ticks per seconds to regulate. This method will call the tick() method every 1/tps second unless the implemented method shouldStop() return true.

The FrameRegulated interfaces extends the tick one, but instead of the method regulateTick(tps), you must use regulateFrames(tps, fps) to start the regulation. In addition to calls to tick() done by ticks regulation, the render(alpha) method is called every 1/fps second with the interpolation factor. This factor is useful when FPS are greater than TPS, because in this case the rendering happens multiple times between ticks. You must also implement a method mustSync(), you must return false if the rendering is vertically-synchronized.

class FooApp implements FrameRegulated {
    private static final int TPS = 20;
    private static final int FPS = 60;
    public void tick() {
        System.out.println("I tick every 1/" + TPS + " second");
    public void render(float alpha) {
        System.out.println("I render every 1/" + FPS + " second");
    public boolean shouldStop() {
        return false;
    public boolean mustSync() {
        return true;
    public void start() {
        this.regulateFrames(TPS, FPS);

Package: io.msengine.common.logic


The abstract class Assets is designed to be as generic as possible to fit most of the file systems that can be useful for assets resolution.

For now the only implementation is ClassLoaderAssets, it's useful if you store your assets in the JAR (it also works with IDEs). You can construct a ClassLoaderAssets by using its constructor, but you can use the more practical methods Assets.forClassLoader(loader, root) or Assets.forClass(class, root) by providing either the desired ClassLoader or the Class loaded by the desired loader, you must also give the root directory containing the assets, it will be appended to all the given path before resolving the resource.

Every Assets object provides multiple methods to get or list the resources.

class BarApp {
    public static final Assets ASSETS = Assets.forClass(FooApp.class, "assets");
	public static InputStream getIconStream() {
        // Internally this calls: FooApp.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("assets/icons/window_icon.png")
        return ASSETS.openAssetStream("icons/window_icon.png");

Package: io.msengine.common.asset

Client module

The client module provides client-side methods and classes, mainly oriented around OpenGL for the rendering, OpenAL for the audio or GLFW for the windowing.

Package: io.msengine.client
Maven: fr.theorozier:msengine-client:1.1.0


The windowing module of this library is an

Package: io.msengine.common.asset





Object-Oriented OpenGL




Miscellaneous Utilities


Deprecated doc

This library is a game engine helper for LWJGL 3 adding support for :

  • Basic mono-thread game logic loops for either server (ticks per second regulation, default to 20 TPS) and client (in addition to TPS regulation, FPS regulation)
  • Advanced resource handler and a language system for client and server
  • Lot of math utilities including fast floor/ceil, interpolation methods
  • JOML compatible color class can be used for shaders uniforms
  • Lot of middle-level helpers for OpenGL mainly for easy managing of GLFW window, shader managers, framebuffers and textures
  • Lot of textures types including dynamic texture generated at runtime, texture maps generated at runtime with animations metadata
  • A gui helper with a basic pixelated font
  • Defaults shaders for basic 3D or 2D programs with predefined uniforms, sampler & attributes
  • Vertex buffer or Indices vertex buffer to use with shaders to easily upload VAO and VBOs data
  • OpenGL 4.0 minimum is required and will be configurable in the future

The current version of the library is "1.1.0" :

  • fr.theorozier:msengine-client:1.1.0
  • fr.theorozier:msengine-common:1.1.0

Each version released on Github will be soon available on Maven Central.

Goals for MSEngine 1.1

  • Deprecate all uses of SUtil
  • Deprecate {client,common}.game packages
  • Create tick/frame regulated interfaces
    • common.logic.TickRegulated
    • common.logic.FrameRegulated
  • Deprecate OSF package common.osf
  • TrueType fonts support
  • Rework GUI (
    • Rework base GUI framework classes
    • Rework shaders, buffers and masking
    • GUI text box (including TrueType font)
    • Re-implement all useful classes from old GUI framework
  • Rework event managers :
    • Object event manager common.util.event.ObjectEventManager
    • Method event manager common.util.event.MethodEventManager
  • Rework Window class (no longer a singleton, but an object oriented wrapper for GLFW)
    • client.window.Monitor
    • client.window.Window
    • client.window.WindowBuilder
    • client.window.*
  • Rework resources (using java FileSystems)
    • common.asset.*
  • Rework textures (for 1D, 2D, 3D)
  • Work on audio package which was never finished
  • Deprecate uses of GameLogger (use individual named loggers instead)
    • Create a logger formatter to apply to global loger
  • Update AxisAlignedBB
    • common.util.phys.AABB2d
    • common.util.phys.AABB3d
  • Remove or adapt client.renderer.texture.TextureObject
  • Promote raw uses of GL functions and make simple wrappers for complicated GL objects (shader, programs, framebuffers, etc.)


Remember to use ./gradlew or ./gradlew.bat to use gradle.

