Project Group: io.fares.junit.soapui

SoapUI JUnit MockRunner

io.fares.junit.soapui : soapui-junit-mockrunner

This JUnit extension will bootstrap SoapUI Mock in its own classloader context to prevent clashes with any project dependencies that are under test. The mockrunner uses Plexus Classworlds/Container and Aether to decouple the execution of the mock from the projects under test.

Last Version: 0.0.3

Release Date:

SoapUI JUnit MockRunner Project

io.fares.junit.soapui : soapui-junit-mockrunner-project

This application will bootstrap SoapUI Mock in its own classloader context to prevent clashes with any project dependencies that are under test. The mockrunner uses Plexus Classworlds/Container and Aether to decouple the execution of the mock from the projects under test.

Last Version: 0.0.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.3

Release Date:

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