Spring MVC Test utils
Test library aimed to ease Spring MVC form validation tests. Easily post an entire form to a given url.
See MockMvcRequestBuilderUtils
More details here: blog.florianlopes.io
How to use?
Add this dependency to your pom.xml
Note: since version 3.0.0
, Java 8
is no longer supported, Java 11
is the minimum supported version.
MockMvcRequestBuilderUtils.postForm("/url", formObject);
public void testSimpleFields() throws Exception {
final MockHttpServletRequestBuilder mockHttpServletRequestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilderUtils.postForm("/test",
new AddUserForm("John", "Doe", null, new Address(1, "Street", 5222, "New York")));
final MockHttpServletRequest request = mockHttpServletRequestBuilder.buildRequest(this.servletContext);
assertEquals("John", request.getParameter("firstName"));
assertEquals("New York", request.getParameter("address.city"));
Usage with MockMvc
final AddUserForm addUserForm = new AddUserForm("John", "Doe", null, new Address(1, "Street", 5222, "New York")));
mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilderUtils.postForm("/users", addUserForm))
Using with()
syntax (FormRequestPostProcessor
final AddUserForm addUserForm = new AddUserForm("John", "Doe", null, new Address(1, "Street", 5222, "New York")));
// GET
// PUT
Register property editor(s)
This tool relies on default Spring's property editors (see https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/master/spring-beans/src/main/java/org/springframework/beans/PropertyEditorRegistrySupport.java#L200).
If you want to override one of those registered by default, simple use the MockMvcRequestBuilderUtils.registerPropertyEditor(...)
MockMvcRequestBuilderUtils.registerPropertyEditor(LocalDate.class, new CustomLocalDatePropertyEditor("dd/MM/yyyy"));
final AddUserForm addUserForm = new AddUserForm("John", "Doe", LocalDate.now(), null);
final MockHttpServletRequestBuilder mockHttpServletRequestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilderUtils.postForm(POST_FORM_URL, addUserForm);
MockHttpServletRequest request = mockHttpServletRequestBuilder.buildRequest(this.servletContext);
assertEquals(LocalDate.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy")), request.getParameter("birthDate"));
Limitations and restrictions
This helper utility handles your form objects using the Java Reflection API. This implies some restrictions in the usage within your test cases:
As long as you use simple, common Java types like
, etc, the mocked HTTPServletRequest should not fail to be processed by data binding. -
You can always provide a custom property editor (see above).
Converting data using classes from the Java Collection API is supported since version 1.0.0. The parameters will follow the convention
name[index] = value
.- Currently, no multidimensional collections (like array of arrays) are supported.
Converting data using classes from the Java Map API is supported in a simple manner since version 1.1.0. The parameters will follow the convention
name[key] = value
.- Currently, no map of maps is supported, only simple datatypes with key and value easily transformable to a
- Currently, no map of maps is supported, only simple datatypes with key and value easily transformable to a
As a last resort, your properties will be converted using the
method of the member object under the name of the object.
Feel free to contribute using this guide:
- Fork this project
- Clone your forked repository
git clone git@github.com:{your-username}/spring-mvc-test-utils.git
- Add a new remote pointing to the original repository
git remote add upstream git@github.com:flopes/spring-mvc-test-utils.git
- Create a new branch for your feature
git branch -b my-feature
- Commit your changes (and squash them if necessary using
git rebase -i
orgit add -p
) - Pull the latest changes from the original repository
git checkout master && git pull --rebase upstream master
- Rebase master branch with your feature
git checkout my-feature && git rebase master
Solve any existing conflicts - Push your changes and create a PR on GitHub
git push -u origin my-feature
Go to the original repository and create a new PR with comments.