FocusPoints Client Servlet





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FocusPoints Client Servlet
FocusPoints Client Servlet

Download focuspoints-client-core-servlet

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'io.focuspoints:focuspoints-client-core-servlet:1.0.1'
implementation ("io.focuspoints:focuspoints-client-core-servlet:1.0.1")
<dependency org="io.focuspoints" name="focuspoints-client-core-servlet" rev="1.0.1">
  <artifact name="focuspoints-client-core-servlet" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='io.focuspoints', module='focuspoints-client-core-servlet', version='1.0.1')
libraryDependencies += "io.focuspoints" % "focuspoints-client-core-servlet" % "1.0.1"
[io.focuspoints/focuspoints-client-core-servlet "1.0.1"]


compile (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
io.focuspoints : focuspoints-client-core jar 1.0.1

provided (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
javax.servlet : javax.servlet-api jar 4.0.1

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Installation & Configuration

In order to start using the FocusPoints client functionality we need to choose the right module for our project and provide it with the correct configuration.

Manual Configuration

Add the following dependency to your project


During application startup the following classes need to be configured: ImageServiceConfigurationProperties, TokenCreator and UrlCreator. Below is an example of such a configuration:

ImageServiceConfigurationProperties imageServiceConfiguration = new ImageServiceConfigurationProperties();

new TokenCreator(imageServiceConfiguration);
new UrlCreator(imageServiceConfiguration);

The TokenCreator and UrlCreator are singleton classes but need to be initialized once with the correct configuration. It is not needed to keep a reference to them.

ServletContext Configuration

Add the following dependency to your project


This will setup a WebListener at application startup that initializes the FocusPoints client. Make sure the following context params are present in your application

Name Description
focuspoints.token-id Your FocusPoints API Key ID
focuspoints.token-secret Your FocusPoints API Key Secret

Spring Configuration

Add the following dependency to your project


Add the following import to your Spring configuration


Make sure the following properties are present in your environment configuration

Name Description
focuspoints.token-id Your FocusPoints API Key ID
focuspoints.token-secret Your FocusPoints API Key Secret

Spring Boot Configuration

Add the following dependency to your projetc


This will cause the io.focuspoints.client.FocusPointsAutoConfiguration to be automatically included at application startup.

Make sure the following properties are present in your environment configuration

Name Description
focuspoints.token-id Your FocusPoints API Key ID
focuspoints.token-secret Your FocusPoints API Key Secret

Configuration Properties

The following configuration properties are supported.

Name Required Default Value Description
focuspoints.token-id True Your FocusPoints API Key ID
focuspoints.token-secret True Your FocusPoints API Key Secret
focuspoints.enabled False True Enables the use of focuspoints. When disabled, the original image URL will be used
focuspoints.url False The focuspoints server endpoint
focuspoints.token-request-parameter-name False _jwt The name of the request parameter containing the token

Using FocusPoints in your frontend

JSP and Freemarker

Add the following dependency to your projetc


This will add a taglib to your project containing a tld with uri The tld defines two tags used for image transformation and image resizing.

The image transformation tag

The image transformation tag generates a URL containing the correct parameters for transforming an image using the desired parameters. The images created by the transformation operation always matches the desired with and height. When it is required to crop certain parts of the image the focus point coordinate is used to determin which part of the image must not be removed.

Attribute Required Description
url true An absolute URL of the image that is used.
filename false The filename of the image.
width true The desired width of the generated image variant in pixels. Must be a positive Integer value
height true The desired height of the generated image variant in pixels. Must be a positive Integer value
focusPointX false The focus point coordinate for the x-axis. Must be a Double value between -1 and 1.
focusPointY false The focus point coordinate for the y-axis. Must be a Double value between -1 and 1.
var false The string to use when binding the result to the page, request, session or application scope. If not specified the result gets outputted to the writer (i.e. typically directly to the JSP)
scope false The scope to use when exporting the result to a variable. This attribute is only used when var is also set. Possible values are page, request, session and application. When no value is specified this defaults to the page scope


<%-- Import imageservice taglib --%>
<%@ taglib prefix="focuspoints" uri="" %>

<%-- Transform an image using the settings as specified in the tag --%>
<focuspoints:transform url="https://path/to/my/image" filename="my-image.jpg" width="1280" height="360" focusPointX="0.6" focusPointY="-0.35" />

<%-- Transform an image using the settings as specified in the tag and store the result in the page scope --%>
<focuspoints:transform var="imageTransformed1280x360" url="https://path/to/my/image" filename="my-image.jpg" width="1280" height="360" focusPointX="0.6" focusPointY="-0.35" />

The image resize tag

The image resize tag generates a URL containing the correct parameters for resizing an image using the desired parameters. Where the image transformation tag can crop certain parts of an image this is not always desired (e.g. when displaying a company logo). The resize operation makes sure the image fits within the desired dimensions but only fits the longest side of the image. The shortest side could therefor be smaller than the provided with or height.

Attribute Required Description
url true An absolute URL of the image that is used.
filename false The filename of the image.
width true The desired width of the generated image variant in pixels. Must be a positive Integer value
height true The desired height of the generated image variant in pixels. Must be a positive Integer value
var false The string to use when binding the result to the page, request, session or application scope. If not specified the result gets outputted to the writer (i.e. typically directly to the JSP)
scope false The scope to use when exporting the result to a variable. This attribute is only used when var is also set. Possible values are page, request, session and application. When no value is specified this defaults to the page scope


<%-- Import imageservice taglib --%>
<%@ taglib prefix="focuspoints" uri="" %>

<%-- Resize an image to the desired with and height --%>
<focuspoints:resize url="https://path/to/my/image" filename="my-image.jpg" width="1280" height="360" />

<%-- Resize an image to the desired with and height --%>
<focuspoints:resize var="imageResized1280x360" url="https://path/to/my/image" filename="my-image.jpg" width="1280" height="360" />


Add the following dependency to your projetc


This will provide a io.focuspoints.client.thymeleaf.FocusPointsDialect that needs to be configured with the Thymeleaf Engine

TemplateEngine templateEngine = new TemplateEngine();
templateEngine.addDialect(new FocusPointsDialect());

For those using Spring Boot you can simply define it as a Bean in you applciation context

public LayoutDialect focusPointsDialect() {
    return new FocusPointsDialect();

This will add the #focuspoints object with the following functions

${#focuspoints.transform(url, filename, width, height)}
${#focuspoints.transform(url, filename, width, height, focusPointX, focusPointY)}

${#focuspoints.resize(url, filename, width, height)}

The transformation operation

The transformation operation generates a URL containing the correct parameters for transforming an image using the desired parameters. The images created by the transformation operation always matches the desired with and height. When it is required to crop certain parts of the image the focus point coordinate is used to determin which part of the image must not be removed.

Parameter Description
url An absolute URL of the image that is used.
filename The filename of the image.
width The desired width of the generated image variant in pixels. Must be a positive Integer value
height The desired height of the generated image variant in pixels. Must be a positive Integer value
focusPointX The focus point coordinate for the x-axis. Must be a Double value between -1 and 1.
focusPointY The focus point coordinate for the y-axis. Must be a Double value between -1 and 1.

The resize operation

The resize operation generates a URL containing the correct parameters for resizing an image using the desired parameters. Where the image transformation tag can crop certain parts of an image this is not always desired (e.g. when displaying a company logo). The resize operation makes sure the image fits within the desired dimensions but only fits the longest side of the image. The shortest side could therefor be smaller than the provided with or height.

Attribute Description
url An absolute URL of the image that is used.
filename The filename of the image.
width The desired width of the generated image variant in pixels. Must be a positive Integer value
height The desired height of the generated image variant in pixels. Must be a positive Integer value

Serving images from your own domain

When using FocusPoints the domain your images are services from will be If this is undesirable behavior it is possible to serve the images from your own domain by using a proxy. In order to so use the following steps:

  1. Set the FocusPoints URL in the configuration to a relative path (e.g. /images/). Either do so by setting it on ImageServiceConfigurationProperties or through the configuration property focuspoints.url depending on which configuration you use.
  2. Create a proxy pass in order to proxy all requests for the /images/ path to An example using Apache HTTPD can be found below
<Location "/images/">
	ProxyPass ""

