Project Group: io.github.alexandertang


io.github.alexandertang : frontend-plugin-core

This Maven plugin lets you install Node/NPM locally for your project, install dependencies with NPM, run Grunt tasks, and/or run Karma tests.

Last Version: 1.9.2-failsafe

Release Date:

Frontend Plugins

io.github.alexandertang : frontend-plugins

This Maven plugin lets you install Node/NPM locally for your project, install dependencies with NPM, run Grunt tasks, and/or run Karma tests.

Last Version: 1.9.2-failsafe

Release Date:

Maven Frontend Plugin

io.github.alexandertang : frontend-maven-plugin

This Maven plugin lets you install Node/NPM locally for your project, install dependencies with NPM, install dependencies with bower or jspm, run Grunt or gulp tasks, and/or run Karma tests.

Last Version: 1.9.2-failsafe

Release Date:

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