A simple Java wrapper on top of Graphviz dot tool. It offers two basic layers of functionalities.
API on top of the Dot Syntax
This project provides a convenient API (DotGraph) to create graphs, including sub-graphs (clusters), that are then rendered into .dot syntax text.
For example:
final DotGraph graph = new DotGraph("simple test");
final Digraph digraph = graph.getDigraph();
digraph.addNode("Car").setLabel("My Car").setComment("This is BMW").setOptions(STUB_NODE_OPTIONS);
digraph.addNode("Wheel").setLabel("Its wheels").setComment("The wheels of my car");
digraph.addAssociation("Car", "Wheel").setLabel("4*").setComment("There are 4 wheels").setOptions(ASSOCIATION_EDGE_STYLE);
Would generate the dot syntax:
# Class diagram simple test
digraph G {
graph [labelloc=top,label="simple test",fontname="Verdana",fontsize=12];
edge [fontname="Verdana",fontsize=9,labelfontname="Verdana",labelfontsize=9];
node [fontname="Verdana",fontsize=9,shape=record];
//This is BMW
c0 [label="My Car", color=grey,fontcolor=grey,fontname="Verdana",fontsize=9]
//The wheels of my car
c1 [label="Its wheels"]
// There are 4 wheels
c0 -> c1 [label="4*" , arrowhead=open];
Convenience on top of the Graphviz tool
This project also offers for convenience a DotWriter that launches Graphviz to render the dot file into an image file. This requires Graphviz to be installed on the machine, along with read/write access to the disk for temporary .dot files.
For example, calling dot on the simple graph above would generate this image:
And the clustering example would generate this image:
Please look at the tests for more examples.
Get it!
From the Maven Central Repository
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