JNI bindings for the libfuzzy shared library, allowing efficient computation and comparison of ssdeep hashes from within Java applications.
In order to compile this library, you will need the following tools installed on your system.
- JDK 8 or greater.
- Apache Maven.
- libfuzzy
- gcc
Install prerequisites on Debian
sudo apt-get install libfuzzy-dev build-essential openjdk-8-jdk maven
Compile JFuzzy
mvn install site
After a successful build, there will be two artifacts which are generated and necessary to use the JFuzzy JNI bindings. The first is /jfuzzy/target/jfuzzy-.jar, this contains the Java bindings and must be on the classpath of the Java application consuming the library. The second is /jfuzzy-native/linux/target/libfuzzy.so which is the native portion of the bindings. This shared library must be installed on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH used by Java.
An easy way to ensure that it is on the path is to pass the following system property to the JVM when it starts
java -Djava.library.path=/my/path/to/shared/lib -jar app.jar
Alternatively dropping it into /usr/local/lib or /usr/lib will also work in most cases.