Project Group: io.inbot

Inbot Testfixtures

io.inbot : inbot-testfixtures

Helper class for human readable randmized names and email addresses

Last Version: 1.9

Release Date:


io.inbot : inbot-utils

Misc utility classes we use at Inbot that are probably useful for a broader public.

Last Version: 1.28

Release Date:


io.inbot : xmltools

Thread safe xml parsing friendly XPathHelper

Last Version: 2.1

Release Date:


io.inbot : inbot-datemath

Utility class for parsing textual descriptions of time to java 8 Instant

Last Version: 1.14

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.13

Release Date:

Elsaticsearch Launcher

io.inbot : inbot-es-launcher

Utility class intended for use in tests that launches an embedded Elasticsearch node

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:

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