
A groovy library to test PDFs





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A groovy library to test PDFs
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<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.jdev.pdf/pdftest/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.jdev.pdf/pdftest/
implementation 'io.jdev.pdf:pdftest:0.2'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.jdev.pdf/pdftest/
implementation ("io.jdev.pdf:pdftest:0.2")
<dependency org="io.jdev.pdf" name="pdftest" rev="0.2">
  <artifact name="pdftest" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='io.jdev.pdf', module='pdftest', version='0.2')
libraryDependencies += "io.jdev.pdf" % "pdftest" % "0.2"
[io.jdev.pdf/pdftest "0.2"]


compile (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.itextpdf : itextpdf jar 5.5.2

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A groovy library to test PDFs in the same way that Geb tests web pages.

class PersonDocument extends PdfDocument {
    static isA = { List<String> firstPageLines -> firstPageLines.contains('Personal Details') }
    static content = {
        name  { findLine(~/Name: (.*)/).trim() }
        email { findLine(~/Email: (.*)/).trim() }
        bio { findBetweenLines(~/Bio:/, ~/Education:/) }

// in test
PdfBrowser pdfBrowser = new PdfBrowser()
assert pdfBrowser.documentIsA(PersonDocument)
assert pdfBrowser.document.name == 'My Name' 
assert pdfBrowser.document.email == '[email protected]' 
assert pdfBrowser.document.bio == ['Bio first line', 'Bio second line'] 

How it Works

pdftest provides a page object model for PDF documents created by your application, in the same way that Geb provides a page object model for your web pages. The API for describing your documents is heavily inspired by Geb.

The "page object" in pdftest is a document. Documents must extends the PdfDocument class. pdftest converts the pdf into text using iText. The pdf is presented to the document class as a list of pages, with each page being a list of strings representing a line in the pdf. This isn't perfect, but it can handle a surprisingly large number of cases.

PdfBrowser API

pdftest provides a PdfBrowser object that can either be handed the PDF data or can download a PDF from a specific URL. You can also pass in a set of cookies if the PDF will only be available to a current logged-in session, or you can pass a WebDriver object and the PdfBrowser will scrape all the cookies fmor that and add them to its request.

Having fetched the PDF, you can then call the documentIsA method to specify which type of document you were expecting. This will call the isA static method on the document class, passing through the first page of text.

If the documentIsA method returns successfully, the document property will be populated on the PdfBrowser object, and you can then make assertions about content in the document after that.

Content Utility Methods

Often content that you would like to examine in the converted-to-text PDF falls into two categories:

  • Lines with a heading and some content, e.g. Account number: 1234
  • Lines between some other headings

pdftest makes some utility methods availabke to extract content in that format:

  • the findLine method takes a regular expression. If there are no capturing groups in the regex, it will return the whole line. If a single capturing group, it will return the text of that group as a string (seen in the example above). If multiple capturing groups, it will return a list of the text captured in the groups)

  • the findBetweenLines method, which takes optional before and after regex patterns and returns the lines between them

Reporting failure

The PdfDocument class has a couple of properties useful for reporting errors:

  • the bytes property contains the PDF file data for the document
  • the filename property contains the filename of the PDF. This can come from the file name if the PDF was read from a file or the Content-Disposition header or URI of the PDF if it was downloaded.

Together these let you save the PDF somewhere for later inspection if your test fails.


pdftest is deployed to Maven Central and can be added to your project as a dependency using the following coordinates:

groupId: io.jdev.pdf
artifactId: pdftest
version: 0.2

Or just download the jar from http://search.maven.org/ if your build system is a bit less connected.


Version 0.2

  • Expose bytes and filename properties for later inspection of failing PDFs

Version 0.1

  • Initial version
  • Basic content

