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Download kamon-fluentd_2.11

How to add to project

<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.kamon/kamon-fluentd_2.11/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.kamon/kamon-fluentd_2.11/
implementation 'io.kamon:kamon-fluentd_2.11:0.6.7'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.kamon/kamon-fluentd_2.11/
implementation ("io.kamon:kamon-fluentd_2.11:0.6.7")
<dependency org="io.kamon" name="kamon-fluentd_2.11" rev="0.6.7">
  <artifact name="kamon-fluentd_2.11" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='io.kamon', module='kamon-fluentd_2.11', version='0.6.7')
libraryDependencies += "io.kamon" % "kamon-fluentd_2.11" % "0.6.7"
[io.kamon/kamon-fluentd_2.11 "0.6.7"]


compile (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.scala-lang : scala-library jar 2.11.8
io.kamon : kamon-core_2.11 jar 0.6.7
com.typesafe.akka : akka-actor_2.11 jar 2.3.15
org.fluentd : fluent-logger-scala_2.11 jar 0.7.0

test (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.scalatest : scalatest_2.11 jar 3.0.1
com.typesafe.akka : akka-testkit_2.11 jar 2.3.15
org.easymock : easymock jar 3.2
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.7
org.slf4j : slf4j-nop jar 1.7.7

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Fluentd Integration Build Status

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Reporting Metrics to Fluentd

Fluentd is distributed, reliable, realtime and programmable data collector. Fluentd's 300+ plugins connect it to many data sources and data outputs while keeping its core small and fast (30-40MB memory footprint). And, 2,000+ data-driven companies rely on Fluentd to differentiate their products with better use of data.

kamon-fluentd module provides capabilities to send kamon metrics to fluentd server. The module provides kamon users huge flexibility on interacting with kamon metrics because user can use bunch of fluentd-plugin ecosystem for reforming, filtering and forwarding kamon-metrics to anywhere.


Add the kamon-fluentd dependency to your project and ensure that it is in your classpath at runtime, that's it. Kamon's module loader will detect that the Fluentd module is in the classpath and automatically start it.

Getting Started

Kamon kamon-fluentd module is currently available for Scala 2.11 and 2.12.

Supported releases and dependencies are shown below.

kamon-fluentd status jdk scala
0.6.7 stable 1.8+ 2.11, 2.12

To get started with SBT, simply add the following to your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "io.kamon" %% "kamon-fluentd " % "0.6.7"


By default, this module assumes that you have an instance of the Fluentd daemon running in localhost and listening on port 24224. If that is not the case the you can use the kamon.fluentd.hostname and kamon.fluentd.port configuration keys to point the module at your Fluentd daemon.

The Fluentd module subscribes itself to the entities included in the kamon.fluentd.subscriptions key. By default, the following subscriptions are included:

kamon.fluentd {
  subscriptions {
    histogram       = [ "**" ]
    min-max-counter = [ "**" ]
    gauge           = [ "**" ]
    counter         = [ "**" ]
    trace           = [ "**" ]
    trace-segment   = [ "**" ]
    akka-actor      = [ "**" ]
    akka-dispatcher = [ "**" ]
    akka-router     = [ "**" ]
    system-metric   = [ "**" ]
    http-server     = [ "**" ]

If you are interested in reporting additional entities to Fluentd please ensure that you include the categories and name patterns accordingly.

Customizing Statistical Metrics over Histogram Snapshots

You can also configure statistical metrics over histogram snapshots via kamon.fluentd.histogram-stats property.

kamon.fluentd {
  # statistic values to be reported for histogram type metrics
  # (i.e. Histogram, MinMaxCounter, Gauge).
  histogram-stats {
    # stats values:
    # "count", "min", "max", "average", "percentiles" are supported.
    # you can use "*" for wildcards.
    subscription = [ "count", "min", "max", "average", "percentiles" ],

    # percentile points:
    # this will be used when you set "percentiles" in "subscription" above.
    # In this example, kamon-fluentd reports 50th 90th, 99th and 99.9th percentiles.
    percentiles = [50.0, 90.0, 99.0, 99.9]

Json Formats passed to Fluentd

Fluentd's messages are represented by JSON format. Sample Json Format generetad by the module is below:

  "time": 1445776940
  "tag": "kamon.fluentd.kamon-fluentd-example.akka-actor.kamon/user/metrics.mailbox-size",
  "value": 2.0,
  "kamon-fluentd-example.akka-actor.kamon/user/metrics.mailbox-size.average": 2.0

Fluentd's JSON must have time and tag properties. tag is the property which is used for identifying data streams in Fluentd. tag which are generated by the module consists of tag prefix and canonical metric name. You can configure tag prefix via kamon.fluentd.tag property.

Naming convention of canonical metric name is as follows:

  • For all single instrument entities (those tracking counters, histograms, gaugues and min-max-counters), tag name will be <app.name>.<instrument.type>.<entity.name>.<stats.name>. Instrument type will be counter, histogram and etc.. stats name will be count, min, max, average, percentiles.50, etc. depending on instrument type.

  • For all other entities the pattern is a little different. the pattern will be <app.name>.<category.name>.<entity.name>.<metric.name>.<stats_name>. For example, mailbox-size measurements of actor:kamon/user/metrics are reported under the <app.name>.akka-actor.kamon/user/metrics.mailbox-size.<stats_name> metrics.

You can configure <app_name> via kamon.fluend.application-name.

For all tags which are set in Kamon entities, please be noted that tag property in JSON message above is different from this, they will be embedded into Json messages as the form of "tags.<tag_key>" : <tag_value>.

"canonical_metric.name" and <canonical_metric.name> : <value> will be embedded too for user's convenience.

Integration Notes

We don't flush the metrics data as soon as the measurements are taken but instead, all metrics data is buffered by the kamon-fluentd module and flushed periodically using the configured kamon.fluentd.flush-interval.


Please look at kamon-fluentd-example for further details.


Kamon Open Source Project

Tools for monitoring applications running on the JVM

