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Download kamon-opentsdb_2.12

How to add to project

<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.kamon/kamon-opentsdb_2.12/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.kamon/kamon-opentsdb_2.12/
implementation 'io.kamon:kamon-opentsdb_2.12:0.6.7'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.kamon/kamon-opentsdb_2.12/
implementation ("io.kamon:kamon-opentsdb_2.12:0.6.7")
<dependency org="io.kamon" name="kamon-opentsdb_2.12" rev="0.6.7">
  <artifact name="kamon-opentsdb_2.12" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='io.kamon', module='kamon-opentsdb_2.12', version='0.6.7')
libraryDependencies += "io.kamon" % "kamon-opentsdb_2.12" % "0.6.7"
[io.kamon/kamon-opentsdb_2.12 "0.6.7"]


compile (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.scala-lang : scala-library jar 2.12.1
io.kamon : kamon-core_2.12 jar 0.6.7
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.7
net.opentsdb : opentsdb jar 2.3.0
org.hbase : asynchbase jar 1.7.2

test (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.scalatest : scalatest_2.12 jar 3.0.1
com.typesafe.akka : akka-testkit_2.12 jar 2.4.14
org.slf4j : slf4j-nop jar 1.7.7
org.mockito : mockito-all jar 1.10.19

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

OpenTSDB Integration Build Status

Gitter Maven Central

Reporting Metrics to OpenTSDB

OpenTSDB is a high performance open source database for handling time series data. It uses hbase to allow it to store and serve massive amounts of time series data without losing granularity.


Add the kamon-opentsdb dependency to your project and ensure that it is in your classpath at runtime. Kamon's module loader will detect that the OpenTSDB module is in the classpath and automatically starts it.

Getting Started

Kamon OpenTSDB module is currently available for Scala 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12. It support version 1.3.0 of OpenTSDB

Supported releases and dependencies are shown below.

kamon-opentsdb status jdk scala
0.6.7 stable 1.8+ 2.10, 2.11, 2.12

To get started with SBT, simply add the following to your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "io.kamon" %% "kamon-opentsdb" % "0.6.7"


Please refer to the reference configuration for more details.

Common actions (i.e. TLDR)

Connect to OpenTSDB - Set kamon.opentsdb.direct.quorum to your zookeeper quorum
Set application name - Set kamon.opentsdb.rules.application.value
Override host name - Set kamon.opentsdb.rules.host.value
Set precision of timestamps - Set kamon.opentsdb.default.timestamp to 'seconds' or 'milliseconds'


Although OpenTSDB provides a REST interface, at this time the project stores data directly to hbase using the TSDB api. Set the kamon.opentsdb.direct.quorum to a comma separated list of zookeeper servers.


You can configure the metric categories to which this module will subscribe using the kamon.opentsdb.subscriptions key. By default, the following subscriptions are included:

kamon.opentsdb {
  subscriptions {
    histogram       = [ "**" ]
    min-max-counter = [ "**" ]
    gauge           = [ "**" ]
    counter         = [ "**" ]
    trace           = [ "**" ]
    trace-segment   = [ "**" ]
    akka-actor      = [ "**" ]
    akka-dispatcher = [ "**" ]
    akka-router     = [ "**" ]
    system-metric   = [ "**" ]
    http-server     = [ "**" ]

Metric Name

Names are generated by concatenating the results of several rules together

kamon.opentsdb.default.name = [application, category, entity, metric, stat]

This design allows you to easily customize the metric name by reordering, adding, and removing rules as you see fit. kamon.opentsdb.name.separator is inserted between each rule who result is non-empty. Empty rules are removed from the metric name

Metric Tags

All tags associated with the kamon metric will be passed through to OpenTSDB. Additional tags may be added by mapping tag names to rules. A tag will be named the exact value listed in the config, if you would like a different name, create a new rule (See Extensibility)

kamon.opentsdb.default.tags = [ application, host ]


Many statistics can be calculated for each Kamon metric, and ,by default, each statistic will be stored as a separate OpenTSDB metric.

kamon.opentsdb.default.stats = [ count, rate, min, max, median, mean, 90, 99 ]

Most statistics can only be used with histograms, however assigning them to a counter is harmless.

Counter stats

  • count: The value of the counter
  • rate: The value of the counter divided by the tick length in seconds

Histogram Stats

  • count: The number of values stored in the histogram
  • rate: The number of values stored in the histogram divided by the tick length in seconds
  • mean: The average of all values stored during the tick
  • max: The largest value stored during the tick
  • min: The smallest value stored during the tick
  • median: The median value (synonym for "50")

Additionally, numeric values in the stat list, will generate percentile statistics in the OpenTSDB database.

  • 50: 50th percentile
  • 70.5: 70.5th percentile
  • 90: 90th percentile

See Extensibility to learn how to create your own stats.


  • category: The entity's category.
  • entity: The entity's name.
  • metric: The metric name assigned in the entity recorder.
  • stat: The name of the statistic
  • host: The local host name
  • application : The name of the application. Undefined by default.

See Extensibility to learn how to create your own rules.

Idle metrics

if filterIdle is true, don't send values to opentsdb for inactive metrics, as opposed to sending 0 for all stats.


Metrics can be customized at the global, category, and individual metric level.

To make alteration at the global level, alter the children of kamon.opentsdb.default

To make alteration at a category level, add entries to kamon.opentsdb.category. Any values not set on the category level, will be inherited from the defaults.

kamon.opentsdb.category.counter = { name = [ metric ], stats = [count ] }

This configuration will change the name and stats recorded for counter metrics, but the tags and timestamp from kamon.opentsdb.default will be used.

To make alterations for a specific metric, add entries to kamon.opentsdb.metrics. Any values not set on the metric level, will be inherited from the category and defaults.

kamon.opentsdb.metrics."my.metric.name" = { stats = [ 90, 95, 99, 99.9, 99.999 ], filterIdle = false }

Here the name, tags, and timestamp from the defaults will be used, unless the metric is a "counter", in which case the name and stats from above will be used.


You can add static values to your metric names and tags by adding entries of the format kamon.opentsdb.rules.<rule-name>.value = "some string" These values can be referenced in name and tags by using rule-name


kamon.opentsdb.rules.cluster.value = "EC2"
kamon.opentsdb.default.name = [ cluster, application, category, entity, metric, stat]

You can create your own dynamic rules by subclassing kamon.opentsdb.Rule and adding an entry of the format kamon.opentsdb.rules.<name>.generator = "fully.qualified.class.name"


kamon.opentsdb.rules.timezone.generator = "leider.ken.application.TimezoneRule"
kamon.opentsdb.tags = { host = host, tz = timezone }

You can create you own stats by subclassing kamon.opentsdb.Stat and adding an entry of the format kamon.opentsdb.stats.<name> = "fully.qualified.class.name"


kamon.opentsdb.stats.integral = "leider.ken.application.IntegralStat"
kamon.opentsdb.counter.stats = [ count, rate, integral ]

Kamon Open Source Project

Tools for monitoring applications running on the JVM

