Project Group: io.klerch

Alexa Skill Schema Generator

io.klerch : alexa.utterances

This is a handy tool many developers already use to create better interaction models for their custom Alexa skills. The tool introduces an easy to read grammar for generating hundreds and thousands of variant sample utterances and slot values with just a few written lines. The resulting JSON file can be used to upload the model to your Alexa skill right away either via your web browser into Alexa skill builder interface or with help of SMAPI.

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:

Alexa Skills Kit Tester for Java

io.klerch : alexa-skills-kit-tester-java

This framework lets you script and execute complex interactions with your Alexa skill in order to simulate a user's conversation.

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Alexa Skills Kit States SDK for Java

io.klerch : alexa-skills-kit-states-java

This SDK is an extension to the Alexa Skills SDK for Java. It provides a framework for managing state of POJO models in a variety of persistence stores in an Alexa skill.

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Alexa Skills Kit Tellask SDK for Java

io.klerch : alexa-skills-kit-tellask-java

This SDK is an extension to the Alexa Skills SDK for Java. It provides a framework for handling speechlet requests with multi-variant utterances organized in YAML files that make it easy to create localized skills. This SDK also lets you build your skill in declarative style and avoids a lot of boilerplate code.

Last Version: 0.2.3

Release Date:

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