Project Group: io.mats3

Mats^3 API

io.mats3 : mats-api

API for Mats^3: Message-based Asynchronous Transactional Staged Stateless Services.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 JMS 1.1 Implementation

io.mats3 : mats-impl-jms

Java Message Service v1.1 implementation of the Mats^3 API and Mats^3 Intercept API.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Intercept API

io.mats3 : mats-intercept-api

Extension API to the Mats^3 API which adds interception capabilities.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 "MatsTrace" Wire Format solution

io.mats3 : mats-serial

Mats^3 wire format solution called "MatsTrace", which defines a set of parameters and structures sufficient to represent an envelope carrying Mats messages, as well as a deser-interface "MatsSerializer" which defines methods between MatsTrace and byte arrays. Employed by the Mats^3 JMS Implementation.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Jackson-based MatsSerializer implementation

io.mats3 : mats-serial-json

Mats^3 MatsSerializer implementation using Jackson to serialize between MatsTraceStringImpl and byte arrays. Employed by the Mats^3 JMS Implementation.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Testing tooling

io.mats3 : mats-test

Mats^3 Testing tools, as well as the base for specific JUnit or Jupiter (Junit 5) tools.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Utilities

io.mats3 : mats-util

Mats^3 Utilities - notably the MatsFuturizer, which provides a bridge from synchronous processes to the highly asynchronous Mats^3 services.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 "SpringConfig"

io.mats3 : mats-spring

Mats^3 Spring integration, supplying a set of annotations including @EnableMats to enable bean scanning for @MatsMapping and @MatsClassMapping annotations, simplifying Mats^3 use in a Spring context.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Testing MQ Broker

io.mats3 : mats-test-broker

Mats^3 Testing MQ Broker to easily create a MatsFactory backed by an in-vm MQ Broker. Also employed by several of the other Mats^3 testing tools. Default uses Apache ActiveMQ, but may be directed to use Apache Artemis instead.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Spring tooling for Mats^3 JMS Implementation

io.mats3 : mats-spring-jms

Mats^3 Spring tooling for the Mats^3 JMS implementation, including an implementation of JmsMatsTransactionManager using Spring's PlatformTransactionManager, and tooling for configuring a MatsFactory for different scenarios: development, staging, production.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Logging with metrics

io.mats3 : mats-intercept-logging

Mats^3 interceptor for structured logging over SLF4J, adding several data points using the SLF4J MDC for each initiation, message receive and message send.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Micrometer Metrics

io.mats3 : mats-intercept-micrometer

Mats^3 interceptor adding metrics gathering using Spring's Micrometer solution.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Introspector and Local Statistics

io.mats3 : mats-localinspect

Mats^3 tool that can output a HTML page describing a MatsFactory and all its endpoints, as well as "local statistics", gathered using a Mats Interceptor.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Spring testing tooling

io.mats3 : mats-spring-test

Mats^3 Spring-specific testing tools, for quickly firing up a test-harness using either JUnit or Jupiter (JUnit 5).

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 JUnit 4 testing tools

io.mats3 : mats-test-junit

Mats^3 testing tools for JUnit 4.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 Jupiter (JUnit 5) testing tools

io.mats3 : mats-test-jupiter

Mats^3 testing tools for Jupiter (JUnit 5).

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

Release Date:

Mats^3 DEPRECATED test-ActiveMQ

io.mats3 : mats-test-activemq

Mats^3 DEPRECATED test-ActiveMQ, use "mats-test-broker" instead.

Last Version: 0.18.4-2021-11-17

Release Date:


io.mats3 : mats-api-test

Message-based Asynchronous Transactional Staged Stateless Services

Last Version: 0.18.0-2021-09-14

Release Date:

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