
Sciurus is a collection of useful aspects e.g. to monitor execution runtimes or cache method results







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Sciurus is a collection of useful aspects e.g. to monitor execution runtimes or cache method results
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<!-- -->
implementation 'io.mcarle:sciurus:1.1.0'
implementation ("io.mcarle:sciurus:1.1.0")
<dependency org="io.mcarle" name="sciurus" rev="1.1.0">
  <artifact name="sciurus" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='io.mcarle', module='sciurus', version='1.1.0')
libraryDependencies += "io.mcarle" % "sciurus" % "1.1.0"
[io.mcarle/sciurus "1.1.0"]


compile (3)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.aspectj : aspectjrt jar 1.9.4
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.28
net.jodah : expiringmap jar 0.5.9

test (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.apache.logging.log4j : log4j-core jar 2.12.1
org.apache.logging.log4j : log4j-slf4j-impl jar 2.12.1
junit : junit jar 4.12
org.hamcrest : hamcrest jar 2.1

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Sciurus is a collection of useful aspects to

  • monitor execution runtimes of methods
  • lock method executions
  • cache method results
  • retry method executions on exceptions

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General Usage

You need to include Sciurus as dependeny and declare it as an aspect library in the aspectj-maven-plugin. For an example, see the example project.

  1. Include Sciurus as dependency

  2. Include aspectj-maven-plugin and define Sciurus as aspectLibrary


Annotations / Aspects


On all methods annotated with @Monitor, Sciurus will measure the execution time and by default log them. Additionally, you can register custom monitors to e.g. store execution times in databases or further utilize the data.

General Usage
  1. Annotate your methods, which should be monitored with Sciurus' @Monitor annotation.

    import io.mcarle.sciurus.annotation.Monitor;
    import io.mcarle.sciurus.annotation.LoggingMonitorParams;
    public class ToBeMonitored {
       public int toBeMonitoredMethod(String xyz) {
            // do something
       @LoggingMonitorParams(warnLimit = 2000)
       public int shouldExecuteInUnderTwoSeconds() {
            // do something 
  2. As Sciurus' @Monitor is deactivated per default, you have to activate it yourself, e.g. at startup or with the help of a setting.

    import io.mcarle.sciurus.Sciurus;
    import org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer;
    public class ExampleServlet extends ServletContainer {
        public void init() throws ServletException {
Logging Monitor

By default, Sciurus will log the duration together with the class and method, which will look like this

DEBUG : ( 150 ms) - io.mcarle.example.sciurus.resources.ExampleResource#longRunningProcess

With the help of @LoggingMonitorParams, you can add some additional information to Sciurus' logging monitor:

  • warnLimit and warnLimitUnit can be used to define an amount of time. If the method execution takes longer, the log level will be warning, otherwise debug.
  • logParameter: When true, the log message also contains the actual parameters of the method
  • logResult: When true, the log message also contains the result of the method

When all parameters are set, the result may look like this

WARN : ( 200 ms) - io.mcarle.example.sciurus.resources.ExampleResource#longRunningProcess([150]) : 42
Custom Monitor

You can register custom monitor which will get notified after each @Monitor annotated method finished its execution.

Sciurus.registerMonitor(new CustomMonitor() {
      public void monitored(Duration duration, String declaringTypeName, Method method, Object[] methodArgs, Throwable throwable, Class returnType, Object returnValue) {
          // do something

Note: You can also deregister the logging monitor, if you do not need it: Sciurus.deregisterMonitor(LoggingMonitor.INSTANCE)


On all methods annotated with @Cache, before execution, Sciurus will check in the defined cache (global, map, or some custom cache) if there is a result stored for this method. If that is the case, that value is returned and the actual method execution will be skipped. When there is no such value, Sciurus will store it in the defined cache after executing the method.

Note: Sciurus does not distinguish the method call from various instances. Therefore, using it on POJOs is not recommended. A good example would be a proxy or a database repository.

General Usage
import io.mcarle.sciurus.annotation.Cache;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;

public class ToBeCached {
        time = 2,
        unit = ChronoUnit.SECONDS,
        cacheName = <Sciurus.CACHE_GLOBAL or Sciurus.CACHE_MAP or some custom cache name>
    public String shouldBeCached(int param) {
        // do domething
Custom Caches

Sciurus comes with an in memory expiring map cache as the default one. You may register custom caches and define them in the @Cache annotation as the target cache.

Note: Every custom cache must return CustomCache.EMPTY on get, if no cache entry is present!

Sciurus.registerCache("<name of your cache>", new CustomCache() {
      public Object get(ExecutionIdentifier executionIdentifier) {
          // Loading from cache or return CustomCache.EMPTY
      public void put(ExecutionIdentifier executionIdentifier, Object result, Duration duration) {
          // Saving to cache


Before executing a method annotated with @Lock, Sciurus will check if there is any running instance of that method and wait till that execution is finished before starting. You may ask, how this is different from javas synchronize?

  • It works on any instance of the class If the same method of a class is being called in parallel on two different instances, then the methods are executed successively.

  • It can include method parameters as condition If the same method of a class is being called in parallel three times, all with different parameters, then the methods are all executed in parallel. If one call has the same parameters as another, the later one waits until the first execution is finished.

    exampleMethod("A") exampleMethod("B") exampleMethod("A")
    check -> ok
    store exec info
    execute check -> ok check -> not ok
    ... store exec info wait
    ... execute ...
    finished ... ...
    remove exec info ... ...
    notify finished ...
    remove exec info check -> ok
    notify store exec info

    Note: This table is a simplified scenario. Sciurus will also work on more complex scenarios!


When a method annotated with @Retry throws an exception, then Sciurus will execute the method again for the amount of specified retries.

Use Case Examples

There are a number of possible use cases for each aspect.


  • Notify a monitoring application
  • Find bottlenecks
  • Test the speed of a new software version before deploying it in production
  • Store execution times (e.g. in a database) and
    • see how they evolve over time
    • see runaway values
    • monitor them through a MBean


  • Caching (surprise!)
  • Facade for various caches which can be exchanged with merely little code changes


  • Prevent multiple storing (e.g. in databases)
  • Prevent multiple execution of long running or high cpu consuming methods (e.g. in combination with @Cache)


  • Retry storing entities into the database due to locking exceptions
  • Retry a failed connection to a web service
  • Retry a method which may lead to some random or temporary incidents


Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0

Copyright 2017 Marcel Carlé

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

