Project Group: io.service84.library

Auth Utils

io.service84.library : authutils

Authentication and Authorization Utilities for a Spring service

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

Exceptional Result

io.service84.library : exceptionalresult

A library for facilitating multi return types for a endpoint in a Spring service

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

Key Value Persistence

io.service84.library : keyvaluepersistence

Provides a persisted key value service in a Spring service

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

Standard Persistence

io.service84.library : standardpersistence

Provides some persistence utility functions in a Spring service

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

Standard Service

io.service84.library : standardservice

Exposes Health, Metric, and Liveness endpoints in a Spring service.

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

Standard Auth

io.service84.library : standardauth

Provide configurable RSA JWT with scope Auth Filters for a Spring Service

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

Feature Flag API

io.service84.library : featureflagapi

An API definition for libraries that provide feature flag functionality

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

Rest Template Config

io.service84.library : resttemplateconfig

Creates a RestTemplate in a Spring service

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

Feature Flag Default Value

io.service84.library : featureflagdefaultvalue

An implimentation for the Service84 FeatureFlagAPI that returns the default value

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

Feature Flag Local Persistence

io.service84.library : featureflaglocalpersistence

Provides a persisted Feature Flag implementation in a Spring service

Last Version: 1.3.50

Release Date:

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