License |
License |
Categories |
CategoriesReact User Interface Web Frameworks Messaging Application Layer Libs |
GroupId | GroupIdio.smallrye.reactive |
ArtifactId | ArtifactIdsmallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-test-companion |
Version | Version4.0.0.RC1 |
Type | Typejar |
Description |
DescriptionSmallRye Reactive Messaging : Connector :: Kafka Testing Companion
An implementation of the MicroProfile Reactive Streams Messaging specification
Project Organization |
Project OrganizationSmallRye |
<!-- -->
implementation 'io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-test-companion:4.0.0.RC1'
implementation ("io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-test-companion:4.0.0.RC1")
<dependency org="io.smallrye.reactive" name="smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-test-companion" rev="4.0.0.RC1">
<artifact name="smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-test-companion" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='io.smallrye.reactive', module='smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-test-companion', version='4.0.0.RC1')
libraryDependencies += "io.smallrye.reactive" % "smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-test-companion" % "4.0.0.RC1"
[io.smallrye.reactive/smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-test-companion "4.0.0.RC1"]
Group / Artifact | Type | Version |
org.apache.kafka : kafka-clients | jar | 3.1.0 |
com.opencsv : opencsv | jar | 5.6 |
org.testcontainers : testcontainers | jar | 1.17.1 |
org.testcontainers : toxiproxy | jar | 1.17.1 |
io.strimzi : strimzi-test-container | jar | 0.101.0 |
org.apache.kafka : kafka_2.13 Optional | jar | 3.1.0 |
org.junit.jupiter : junit-jupiter-api Optional | jar | |
org.junit.platform : junit-platform-commons Optional | jar | |
org.jboss.logging : jboss-logging | jar | 3.4.3.Final |
io.smallrye.reactive : smallrye-reactive-converter-api | jar | 2.6.0 |
io.smallrye.reactive : mutiny | jar | 1.1.2 |
Group / Artifact | Type | Version |
org.jboss.logging : jboss-logging-annotations | jar | 2.2.1.Final |
org.jboss.logging : jboss-logging-processor | jar | 2.2.1.Final |
Group / Artifact | Type | Version |
org.slf4j : slf4j-log4j12 | jar | 1.7.33 | : weld-se-core | jar | 4.0.3.Final |
org.jboss.weld : weld-core-impl | jar | 4.0.3.Final |
io.smallrye.reactive : mutiny-reactive-streams-operators | jar | 1.1.2 |
io.smallrye.reactive : smallrye-reactive-converter-rxjava2 | jar | 2.6.0 |
io.smallrye.reactive : smallrye-reactive-converter-reactor | jar | 2.6.0 |
io.smallrye.reactive : smallrye-reactive-converter-mutiny | jar | 2.6.0 |
org.junit.jupiter : junit-jupiter | jar | 5.8.2 |
org.assertj : assertj-core | jar | 3.22.0 |
org.awaitility : awaitility | jar | 4.1.1 |
org.mockito : mockito-core | jar | 4.5.0 |
org.junit-pioneer : junit-pioneer | jar | 1.7.0 |