Tarantool Java driver

Driver for Tarantool 1.10+ based on Netty framework





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Tarantool Java driver
Driver for Tarantool 1.10+ based on Netty framework
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<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.tarantool/driver/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.tarantool/driver/
implementation 'io.tarantool:driver:0.1.1'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/io.tarantool/driver/
implementation ("io.tarantool:driver:0.1.1")
<dependency org="io.tarantool" name="driver" rev="0.1.1">
  <artifact name="driver" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='io.tarantool', module='driver', version='0.1.1')
libraryDependencies += "io.tarantool" % "driver" % "0.1.1"
[io.tarantool/driver "0.1.1"]


compile (7)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.springframework : spring-core jar 5.2.6.RELEASE
io.netty : netty-all jar 4.1.50.Final
org.msgpack : msgpack-core jar 0.8.20
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.30
ch.qos.logback : logback-core jar 1.2.3
com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-databind jar 2.11.2
com.google.code.findbugs : jsr305 jar 3.0.2

test (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.junit.jupiter : junit-jupiter jar 5.6.2
ch.qos.logback : logback-classic jar 1.2.3
org.testcontainers : testcontainers jar 1.15.0-rc2
org.testcontainers : junit-jupiter jar 1.14.3

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Java driver for Tarantool Cartridge

java-driver:ubuntu/master Actions Status

Java driver for Tarantool Cartridge for Tarantool versions 1.10+ based on the asynchronous Netty framework and official MessagePack serializer. Provides CRUD APIs for seamlessly working with standalone Tarantool servers and clusters managed by Tarantool Cartridge with sharding via vshard.


Add the following dependency into your project:


Standalone Tarantool client

Connects to a single Tarantool instance. Supports multiple connections.

See the following example of simple StandaloneTarantoolClient usage:

class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TarantoolClientConfig config = new TarantoolClientConfig.Builder()
            .withCredentials(new SimpleTarantoolCredentials("admin", "1q2w3e"))

        // using try-with-resources (auto close)
        try (StandaloneTarantoolClient client = new StandaloneTarantoolClient(config, "localhost", 3301)) {

            // built-in tuple type

            TarantoolResult<TarantoolTuple> tuples = client.space("test")
                // using index named "secondary"
                .select(Conditions.indexGreaterThan("secondary", Collections.singletonList(0)).withLimit(10))
                .get(); // using CompletableFuture in synchronous way

            // tuples can be iterated over
            tuples.forEach((t) -> System.out.println(String.format("Tuple ID=%d, name=%s",
                // Simple interface with built-in primitive types conversions
                // Tuple interface for working with raw objects. Since the number of fields
                // can be variable, this method returns Optional.
                // The mapper provided in config must contain a converter for the corresponding target type
                // Getting field by name is supported if the space has defined schema
                t.getObject("name", String.class).orElseThrow(RuntimeException::new))));

            // user-defined tuple type

            // using primary index by default
            Conditions query = Conditions.any();
            TarantoolResult<CustomTuple> customTuples = client.space("test")
                        // convert raw MessagePack array to object by hand
                        (v) -> new CustomTuple(v.get(0).asIntegerValue().asInt(), v.get(1).asStringValue().asString()))

                (t) -> System.out.println(String.format("Tuple ID=%d, name=%s", t.getId(), t.getName())));

        } catch (TarantoolClientException | IOException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
            // checked exceptions

    private static class CustomTuple {
        private int id;
        private String name;

        CustomTuple(int id, String name) {
            this.id = id;
            this.name = name;

        int getId() {
            return id;

        String getName() {
            return name;

Cluster Tarantool client

Connects to multiple Tarantool nodes, usually Tarantool Cartridge routers. Supports multiple connections to one node. Cluster client connects to all specified nodes simultaneously and then routes all requests to different nodes using the specified connection selection strategy. If any connection goes down, reconnection is performed automatically.

You may set up automatic retrieving of the list of cluster nodes available for connection (aka discovery). Discovery providers with a HTTP endpoint and a stored function in Tarantool are available out-of-the-box.

The next example is showing the instantiation of the ClusterTarantoolClient with stored function discovery provider:

class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Credentials for connecting to the discovery endpoint
        TarantoolCredentials credentials = new SimpleTarantoolCredentials(USER_NAME, PASSWORD);

        BinaryClusterDiscoveryEndpoint endpoint = new BinaryClusterDiscoveryEndpoint.Builder()
                // exposed API function from Tarantool endpoint
                .withServerAddress(new TarantoolServerAddress(
                        CartridgeHelper.getRouterHost(), CartridgeHelper.getRouterPort()))

        TarantoolClusterDiscoveryConfig clusterDiscoveryConfig = new TarantoolClusterDiscoveryConfig.Builder()
                .withReadTimeout(1000 * 5) // 5 seconds, timeout for reading the response body from the channel
                .withConnectTimeout(1000 * 5) // 5 seconds, timeout for connecting to the server
                // node information refresh delay

        // Address provider is a customizable point for providing server nodes addresses
        // BinaryDiscoveryClusterAddressProvider calls a stored function in a Tarantool instance, e.g. Cartridge router
        BinaryDiscoveryClusterAddressProvider addressProvider =
                new BinaryDiscoveryClusterAddressProvider(clusterDiscoveryConfig);

        TarantoolClientConfig config = new TarantoolClientConfig.Builder()
                .withCredentials(new SimpleTarantoolCredentials(USER_NAME, PASSWORD))
                .withConnectTimeout(1000 * 5)
                .withReadTimeout(1000 * 5)
                .withRequestTimeout(1000 * 5) // 5 seconds, timeout for receiving the server response

        // The chosen connection selection strategy will determine how hosts and connections are selected for performing
        // the next request to the cluster
        ClusterTarantoolClient client = new ClusterTarantoolClient(
                config, getBinaryProvider(), TarantoolConnectionSelectionStrategies.RoundRobinStrategyFactory.INSTANCE);

        // Mappers are used for converting MessagePack primitives to Java objects
        // The default mappers can be instantiated via the default mapper factory and further customized
        DefaultMessagePackMapperFactory mapperFactory = DefaultMessagePackMapperFactory.getInstance();
        // Use tuple factory for instantiating new tuples
        TarantoolTupleFactory tupleFactory =
            new DefaultTarantoolTupleFactory(mapperFactory.defaultComplexTypesMapper());
        TarantoolSpaceOperations testSpace = client.space("test");
        TarantoolTuple tarantoolTuple;

        // Multiple requests are processed in an asynchronous way
        List<CompletableFuture<?>> allFutures = new ArrayList<>(20);
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            // If you are inserting tuples into a space sharded with tarantool/vshard, you will have to specify the
            // bucket_id field value or leave it as null
            tarantoolTuple = tupleFactory.create(1_000_000 + i, null, "FIO", 50 + i, 100 + i);


Proxy Tarantool client

A decorator for any of the basic client types. Allows connecting to instances with CRUD interfaces defined as user API functions or Cartridge roles based on 'crud-router' from module CRUD. Works with tarantool/crud 0.3.0+.

See an example of how to use the ProxyTarantoolClient:

class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Cluster client is set up as described above
        ClusterTarantoolClient clusterClient = ...
        TarantoolClient client = new ProxyTarantoolClient(clusterClient);

        // Use TarantoolTupleFactory for instantiating new tuples
        // Pass the field corresponding to bucket_id as null for tarantool/crud to compute it automatically
        TarantoolTuple tuple = client.getTupleFactory().create(1_000_000, null, "profile_name");
        // Primary index key value will be determined from the tuple
        Conditions conditions = Conditions.after(tuple);
        TarantoolResult<TarantoolTuple> updateResult = profileSpace.update(conditions, tuple).get();

        Conditions conditions = Conditions.greaterOrEquals("profile_id", 1_000_000);
        // crud.select(...) on the Cartridge router will be called internally
        TarantoolResult<TarantoolTuple> selectResult = profileSpace.select(conditions).get();
        assertEquals(20, selectResult.size());

        // Any other operations with tuples as described in the examples above



The Java Docs are available at Github pages.

If you have any questions about working with Tarantool, check out the site tarantool.io.

Feel free to ask questions about Tarantool and usage of this driver on Stack Overflow with tag tarantool or join our community support chats in Telegram: English and Russian.




Java 1.8 or higher is required for building and using this driver.


Docker accessible to the current user is required for running integration tests. Use ./mvnw verify to run unit tests and ./mvnw test -Pintegration to run integration tests. Use ./mvnw install for installing the artifact locally.


Contributions to this project are always welcome and highly encouraged.

