A simple Java Scrobble Client for Last.fm
This client uses jkovac's lastfm-java library for calls of the official Last.fm API as well as the lastfm-unscrobble-java library for unscrobbling and updating Scrobbles.
The purpose of this library is to simplify all interactions with Last.fm concerning scrobbles as well as providing extended features - relying on official and unofficial features of Last.fm - such as scrobble updating.
Initializing the Scrobble Client
LastfmAuthenticationDetails authenticationDetails = new LastfmAuthenticationDetails();
ScrobbleClient scrobbleClient = new ScrobbleClient();
try {
} catch(LastfmAuthenticationException e){
Not all authentication details are mandatory depending on what you want to do. Certain operations require certain authentication details as shown in the table below:
Scrobbling | Fetching Scrobbles | Unscrobbling | Updating Scrobbles | |
API key | X | X | X | |
Shared Secret | X | X | ||
Username | X | X | X | X |
Password | X | X | X |
So if for example you only want to fetch scrobble data from a user then the username and your API key is sufficient.
Fetching all Scrobbles
List<Scrobble> scrobbles = scrobbleClient.getAllScrobbles();
Fetching Scrobbles from a specific time
Temporal since = ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneOffset.UTC).minusDays(10);
List<Scrobble> scrobblesSince = scrobbleClient.getScrobblesSince(since);
Fetching a certain amount of Scrobbles
List<Scrobble> scrobbles = scrobbleClient.getLastScrobbles(100);
Scrobbling a Track
Scrobble scrobble = scrobbleClient.scrobble("LIQ","[un]INSOMNIA");
Setting the now playing status
Scrobble scrobble = scrobbleClient.nowPlaying("LIQ","[un]INSOMNIA");
Unscrobbling a Scrobble
Scrobble lastScrobble = scrobbles.get(0);
Updating Scrobble data
scrobble.setArtist("LIQ feat. 結月ゆかり");
Maven Dependency
Enable debug logging