Project Group: net.codesup.util

JAXB plugin utility library

net.codesup.util : jaxb-plugin-lib

Provides basic functionality common to all JAXB plugins maintained by this project.

Last Version: 1.7.0

Release Date:

Parent POM for CodeSup JAXB XJC plugin projects

net.codesup.util : jaxb-plugin-parent

Provides base settings and dependencies for other jaxb-plugin projects.

Last Version: 1.6.0

Release Date:

JAXB delegate plugin

net.codesup.util : jaxb-delegate-plugin

JAXB XJC plugin to generate real business logic methods inside generated classes. The implementation of the methods is done by generating delegation code to a corresponding utility class or an instance delegate.

Last Version: 2.5.1

Release Date:

JAXB XJC extended contract generation plugin

net.codesup.util : jaxb2-rich-contract-plugin

Provides a number of plugins for the JAXB (Java API for XML binding) XML-Schema-to-Java compiler (XJC), that enhance the generated source code with various and configurable aspects, like "fluent builder" patterns, generating interface contracts from group and attributeGroup declarations, generating JavaBeans(TM) bound and constrained properties, copy methods and -constructors, selective object graph copying, meta data generation etc.

Last Version: 2.1.0

Release Date:

JAXB expression evaluator plugin

net.codesup.util : jaxb-expression-plugin

JAXB Plugin to generate arbitrary methods into XJC-generated classes that evaluate expressions in any programming language on the instance of the generated target class.

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:

Fork of Apache Commons JXPath with JAXB extensions

net.codesup.util : jxpath

A Java-based implementation of XPath 1.0 based on Apache Commons JXPath, withe enhancements to process graphs of JAXB-Serializable objects using the properties' XML names.

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:

JXPath Object Formatter

net.codesup.util : jxpath-object-formatter

Wrapper for apache commons-jxpath to generate string representations of JAXB-serializable objects

Last Version: 1.2.0

Release Date:

JAXB 2.2 extended episode plugin

net.codesup.util : jaxb2-episode-ext

Extended episode generation plugin based on the JAXB XJC standard plugin's source code that fixes some problems with the old plugin, i.e. it adds attributes to ignore unused declarations which gave an error in the original plugin.

Last Version: 1.2.0

Release Date:

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