Bundles dependencies to support accessing all TrueVFS features without the slight negative performance impact of some excluded modules. Depends on the base configuration profile and adds the file system drivers for HTTP(S), ODF, TAR, TAR.BZIP2, TAR.GZIP, TAR.XZ and ZIP.RAES.
Bundles dependencies to support accessing all TrueVFS features without the slight negative performance impact of some excluded modules. Depends on the base configuration profile and adds the file system drivers for HTTP(S), ODF, TAR, TAR.BZIP2, TAR.GZIP, TAR.XZ and ZIP.RAES.
TrueVFS is a virtual file system (VFS) for Java 8 which enables client applications to access archive files as if they were virtual directories, including nested archive files in multithreaded environments. As a library, TrueVFS provides simple, uniform, transparent, thread-safe, read/write access to archive files as if they were virtual directories in a file system path. As a framework, TrueVFS provides the API to write file system drivers which plug-in to its federated file system space.
For more information, please refer to the documentation at http://truevfs.net/.