Project Group: net.lizalab


net.lizalab : kryonet-slf4j

Fork of Esoteric Software's KryoNet built by Nathan Sweet that replaces Minlog with slf4j as the logging facade and removes hard dependency on jsonbeans.

Last Version: 2.22.0

Release Date:


net.lizalab : kryo-slf4j

Fork of Esoteric Software's Kryo built by Nathan Sweet that replaces Minlog with slf4j as the logging facade. This is the "main" kryo-slf4j artifact, with a regular dependency on reflectasm.

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date:

Kryo-slf4j Parent

net.lizalab : kryo-slf4j-parent

Fork of Esoteric Software's Kryo built by Nathan Sweet that replaces Minlog with slf4j as the logging facade. This is the parent pom that assembles the main kryo-slf4j and shaded kryo-slf4j artifacts.

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date:

Kryo-slf4j Shaded

net.lizalab : kryo-slf4j-shaded

Fork of Esoteric Software's Kryo built by Nathan Sweet that replaces Minlog with slf4j as the logging facade. This contains the shaded reflectasm jar to prevent conflicts with other versions of asm.

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date:

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