
Some common iterators for Java









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Some common iterators for Java
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Markenwerk – Gesellschaft für markenbildende Maßnahmen mbH
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<!-- -->
implementation 'net.markenwerk:commons-iterators:3.2.1'
implementation ("net.markenwerk:commons-iterators:3.2.1")
<dependency org="net.markenwerk" name="commons-iterators" rev="3.2.1">
  <artifact name="commons-iterators" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='net.markenwerk', module='commons-iterators', version='3.2.1')
libraryDependencies += "net.markenwerk" % "commons-iterators" % "3.2.1"
[net.markenwerk/commons-iterators "3.2.1"]


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junit : junit jar 4.12

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Some common iterators for Java

Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status Maven Central Java SE 6 MIT License


This is a collection of companion iterators for some commonly useful Iterable implementations for the following use cases:

This library is hosted in the Maven Central Repository. You can use it with the following coordinates:


Consult the usage description and Javadoc for further information.


Filtering and Converting

This library provides the generic FilteredIterator that takes an existing Iterator and a Predicate and filters out all values yielded by the given Iterator that don't satisfy the given Predicate.

Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields every foo from from iterator that matches the condition
Iterator<Foo> FilteredIterator = new FilteredIterator<>(iterator, new Predicate<Foo>(){

	public boolean test(Object object) throws PredicateException {
		return ...; // some condition


This library provides the generic ConvertingIterator that takes an existing Iterator and a Converter and converts all values yielded by the given Iterator and yields the converted values.

Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields a bar for every foo from from iterator
Iterator<Bar> convertingIterator = new ConvertingIterator<>(iterator, new Converter<Foo, Bar>(){

	public Bar convert(Foo foo) throws ConverterException {
		return ...; // some conversion


Combining multiple Iterators

This library provides the generic CombinedIterator that takes multiple existing Iterators and combines them into a single Iterator that yields all values of all given Iterators.

It can be constructed from an array or an arbitrary amount of known Iterators.

Iterator<Foo> iterator1 = ...
Iterator<Foo> iterator2 = ...

// yields every foo from every iterator1 and iterator2
Iterator<Foo> combinedIterator = new CombinedIterator<>(iterator1, iterator2); 

It can be constructed from an Iterable of Iterators (i.e. a List).

List<Iterator<Foo>>[] iterators = ...

// yields every foo from every iterator from iterators
Iterator<Foo> combinedIterator = new CombinedIterator<>(iterators); 

Inserting affix values

This library provides the generic PrefixedIterator that takes an existing Iterator and yields given prefix values before every value yielded by the given Iterator.

Foo prefix = ...
Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields prefix and than every foo from iterator
Iterator<Foo> prefixedIterator = new PrefixedIterator<>(iterator, prefix);

This library provides the generic InfixedIterator that takes an existing Iterator and yields given infix values between every value yielded by the given Iterator.

Foo infix = ...
Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields every foo from iterator, interspersed with the infix
Iterator<Foo> infixedIterator = new InfixedIterator<>(iterator, infix);

This library provides the generic SuffixedIterator that takes an existing Iterator and yields given suffix values after every value yielded by the given Iterator.

Foo suffix = ...
Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields every foo from iterator and than prefix
Iterator<Foo> suffixedIterator = new SuffixedIterator<>(iterator, suffix);

Looking ahead

This library provides the generic LookAheadIterator that takes an existing Iterator and yield every value yielded by the given Iterator wrapped in a LookAhead that also contains the next value. This allows to peak into the future, while iterating through the given Iterator.

Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields a look ahead for every foo from iterator
Iterator<LookAhead<Foo>> lookAheadIterator = new LookAheadIterator<>(iterator);

A LookAheadIterator can be used to easily perform actions between every element yielded by the original Iterator.

while (lookAheadIterator.hasNext()) {
    LookAhead<Foo> lookAhead =;
    // returns the current foo
    Foo currentFoo = lookAhead.get() 
    // returns whether the look ahead has a next value
    if (lookAhead.hasNext()) {  
        // returns the next foo without modifying lookAheadIterator
        Foo nextFoo = lookAhead.getNext();
        doBetweenFoos(currentFoo, nextFoo);

Handling of null values

For situations where it is necessary to provide an Iterator, but no meaningful Iterator is available, it might be useful to create an EmptyIterator. An EmptyIterator doesn't yield any values, but fulfills the Iterator contract.

// yields nothing
Iterator<Foo> emptyIterator = new EmptyIterator<>();

For situations where some Iterator is obtained and passed along, it might be useful to wrap the obtained Iterator in a NullSaveIterator. A NullSaveIterator always fulfills the Iterator contract, even if it is constructed from a null Iterator.

// an iterator that may be null
Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields every foo from iterator of nothing, if iterator is null
Iterator<Foo> nullSaveIterator = new NullSaveIterator<>(iterator); 

For situations where some Iterator is obtained, it might be useful to wrap the obtained Iterator in a NullFreeIterator. A NullFreeIterator filters out all null values yielded by the obtained Iterator.

Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields every non-null foo from iterator
Iterator<Foo> nullFreeIterator = new NullFreeIterator<>(iterator);

Handling of remove() operation

This library provides the ProtectedIterator interface. A ProtectedIterator is an Iterator that must throw an UnsupportedOperationException, if remove() is called.

This library provides the ProtectingIterator that takes an existing Iterator and yields all values yielded by the given Iterator, but throws a UnsupportedoperationException, if remove() is called.

Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields every foo from iterator, but doesn't allow removing
ProtectingIterator<Foo> protectingIterator = new ProtectingIterator<>(iterator); 

This library provides the RemoveHandlerIterator that takes an existing Iterator and a Handler and yields all values yielded by the given Iterator, but calls the given handler with the last yielded value, instead of calling remove() on the given Iterator.

Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields every foo from iterator, but intercepts removing
Iterator<Foo> removeHandlerIterator = new RemoveHandlerIterator<>(iterator, new Handler<Foo>(){

	public void handle(Foo foo) {
		System.out.println(foo + " has been removed"); // some handling

Iterating over single values

This library provides the ObjectIterator and OptionalIterator that take and yield an existing object. An ObjectIterator always yields the given object, whereas an OptionalIterator only yields the given object, if it isn't null.

Foo foo = ...

// yields foo, even if foo is null
Iterator<Foo> objectIterator = new ObjectIterator<>(foo); 

// yields foo or nothing, if foo is null
Iterator<Foo> optionalIterator = new OptionalIterator<>(foo); 

Iterating over multiple values

This library provides the generic PairIterator that takes an existing Pair and yields both elements of the given Pair:

Pair<Foo> pair = ...

// yields both foos from pair
Iterator<Foo> pairIterator = new PairIterator<>(pair); 

This library provides the generic TupleIterator that takes an existing Tuple with elements of a similar type and yields both elements of the given Tuple:

Tuple<Foo, Foo> tuple = ...

// yields both foos from tuple
Iterator<Foo> tupleIterator = new TupleIterator<>(tuple); 

This library provides the generic TripleIterator that takes an existing Triple with elements of a similar type and yields both elements of the given Triple:

Triple<Foo, Foo, Foo> triple = ...

// yields all foos from triple
Iterator<Foo> tripleIterator = new TripleIterator<>(triple); 

Iterating over primitive arrays

This library provides the following Iterators that take existing primitive arrays and yield all elements of the given array:

boolean[] booleans = ...

// yields every boolean from booleans
Iterator<Boolean> arraytIterator = new BooleanArrayIterator(booleans);

Iterating over non-primitive arrays

This library provides the generic ArrayIterator that takes an existing array and yields all elements of the given array:

Foo[] foos = ...

// yields every foo from foos
Iterator<Foo> arrayIterator = new ArrayIterator<>(foos); 

Iterating over other objects

This library provides the generic EnumerationIterator that takes an existing Enumeration and yields every object yielded by the given Enumeration.

Enumeration<Foo> enumeration = ...

// yields every foo from enumeration
Iterator<Foo> enumerationIterator = new EnumerationIterator<>(enumeration); 

This library provides the NodeListIterator that takes an existing NodeList and yields every Node yielded by the given NodeList.

NodeList nodeList = ...

// yields every node from nodeList
Iterator<Node> nodeListIterator = new NodeListIterator(nodeList); 

This library provides the StringTokenizerIterator that takes an existing StringTokenizer and yields every string yielded by the given StringTokenizer.

StringTokenizer tokenizer = ...

// yields every string from tokenizer
Iterator<String> tokenizerIterator = new StringTokenizerIterator(tokenizer); 

Iterating infinitely

This library provides the generic InfiniteIterator that takes a Provider and infinitely yields provided values.

Provider<Foo> provider = ...

// yields provided foos forever
Iterator<Foo> infiniteIterator = new InfiniteIterator(provider); 

Keeping track of iteration index

This library provides the generic IndexedIterator that takes an existing Iterator and yield every value yielded by the given Iterator wrapped in an Entry whose key is the iteration index of the yielded element.

Iterator<Foo> iterator = ...

// yields an entry for every foo from iterator with
Iterator<Entry<Integer, Foo>> indexedIterator = new IndexedIterator<>(iterator);

Counting up and down

This library provides the CountDownIterator and CountUpIterator that take two integer values as bounds and yield every integer value between the given bounds, moving downwards or upwards respectively.

// yields 10, 9, ..., 1, 0
Iterator<Integer> countDownIterator = new CountDownIterator(10, 0);

// yields 0, 1, ..., 9, 10 
Iterator<Integer> countUpIterator = new CountUpIterator(0, 10); 


