Project Group: net.sf.opk

RFC2397 data: URLs for Java

net.sf.opk : data-url

Support for RFC2397 data: URLs by

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Parent POM

net.sf.opk : opk-parent

Parent POM for all projects with group ID net.sf.opk.

Last Version: 6

Release Date:

Embedded GlassFish Web Plugin

net.sf.opk : embedded-glassfish-web-plugin

The Glassfish Maven Plugin provides an Instant Developer Experience with your JavaEE Web Profile application. It runs your artifact, from its sources and with it's (externally) defined resources in an embedded Glassfish container.

Last Version: 2.1

Release Date:

REST Pages

net.sf.opk : rest-pages

Library that provides request forwarding and HTML form parsing to JAX-RS webservices. This allows these webservices to expose some resources as a web application, using easy form handling and separation of business and display logic.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

JDBC Populator

net.sf.opk : jdbc-populator

Library to help build an Instant Developer Experience. It provides a way to populate datasources upon their first use, and as such can put structure and data into an in-memory database. This is useful for both automated and to create a setup where the developer can start the application and see his/her work in action.

Last Version: 3.0

Release Date:

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