Project Group: net.sf.qualitycheck


net.sf.qualitycheck : quality-check

The goal of quality-check is to provide a small Java library for basic runtime code quality checks. It provides similar features to org.springframework.util.Assert or without the need to include big libraries or frameworks such as Spring or Guava. The package quality-check tries to replace these libraries and provide all the basic code quality checks you need. The checks provided here are typically used to validate method parameters and detect errors during runtime. To detect errors before runtime we use JSR-305 Annotations. With these annotations you are able to detect possible bugs earlier. For more informations look at FindBugs™ JSR-305 support.

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:


net.sf.qualitycheck : quality-test

The goal of quality-test is to provide a small Java library for basic code quality checks within unit tests. It is discouraged to use quality-test in production code. The checks provided in this library are designed to be used in unit-tests. The checks and utilities provided in this package check static properties of classes, for example whether classes are marked final or constructors are private. Additionally, there are utils to give additional code coverage for private constructors. Quality-Test often can be used together with Google Reflections ( to perform checks such as, assure that every class in package *.dto.* is final or make sure that no class in the package *.controller.* contains any non-final static variables.

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:

Quality :: Project

net.sf.qualitycheck : quality-parent

The goal of quality-check is to provide a small Java library for basic runtime code quality checks. It provides similar features to org.springframework.util.Assert or without the need to include big libraries or frameworks such as Spring or Guava. The package quality-check tries to replace these libraries and provide all the basic code quality checks you need. The checks provided here are typically used to validate method parameters and detect errors during runtime. To detect errors before runtime we use JSR-305 Annotations. With these annotations you are able to detect possible bugs earlier. For more informations look at FindBugs™ JSR-305 support.

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:


net.sf.qualitycheck : quality-immutable-object

The goal of Quality-Immutable-Object is to provide a small Java library that generates automatically an immutable object class and corresponding builder based on an Java interface (only with accessor methods).

Last Version: 0.3

Release Date:

Quality :: Distribution

net.sf.qualitycheck : distribution

This project is intended to create distributions of the Quality-Check multimodule project.

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:

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