SMART COSMOS Framework Monitoring Annotations

Provides Spring Configuration and Annotations making it easier to add a monitoring endpoint to services





Net Monitoring Application Testing & Monitoring




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SMART COSMOS Framework Monitoring Annotations
Provides Spring Configuration and Annotations making it easier to add a monitoring endpoint to services
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Smartrac Technology Fletcher, Inc.
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Download smartcosmos-framework-monitoring

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'net.smartcosmos:smartcosmos-framework-monitoring:3.2.0'
implementation ("net.smartcosmos:smartcosmos-framework-monitoring:3.2.0")
<dependency org="net.smartcosmos" name="smartcosmos-framework-monitoring" rev="3.2.0">
  <artifact name="smartcosmos-framework-monitoring" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='net.smartcosmos', module='smartcosmos-framework-monitoring', version='3.2.0')
libraryDependencies += "net.smartcosmos" % "smartcosmos-framework-monitoring" % "3.2.0"
[net.smartcosmos/smartcosmos-framework-monitoring "3.2.0"]


compile (3)

Group / Artifact Type Version
io.prometheus : simpleclient_hotspot jar 0.0.18
io.prometheus : simpleclient_servlet jar 0.0.18
io.prometheus : simpleclient_spring_boot jar 0.0.18

provided (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.projectlombok : lombok jar

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

SMART COSMOS Getting Started Guide

Build Status


Welcome to SMART COSMOS!

Are you ready to become part of creating something really big? With SMART COSMOS you can connect a universe of everyday things to the digital world. In fact, SMART COSMOS is the only platform that is purely focused on providing a fast track for both enterprises and developers to Monetize the IoT.

SMART COSMOS is an ecosystem. It consists of a robust partner network where hardware manufacturers, system integrators, software developers and enterprises come together to create the IoT. It is comprised of both SaaS and PaaS offerings that help you EMBED, ENRICH, EFFECT, and EXPLORE IoT driven data.

SMART COSMOS also includes an education portal, SMART COSMOS Lessons, and a vibrant developer community at our Partner Development Portal. Developers who complete the full Extension Developer learning path, passing all exams, earn the right and privileges of being a SMART COSMOS Certified Engineer.

In order to accelerate value creation with the IoT, enterprises must learn how to obtain new value from four key areas:

  • Data

  • Things

  • People

  • Process

The IoT is nothing more than combining a creative mixture of low-cost sensing hardware, auto-identification technologies like RFID, and the Cloud! Now, we invite you to take the next steps and learn how to use our proven blueprint to Monetize the IoT.

EXPLORE the full capabilities of the entire ecosystem by participating in one or more Web based learning paths at SMART COSMOS Lessons.

CREATE new and innovative IoT Mashups by building Extensions that perform an IaaS Cloud Pivot or integrate new applications, features, and REST Web services into the platform.

SELL innovative Extensions at the SMART COSMOS Market by defining the level of support provided, marketing materials, manuals, and of course an appropriate recurring revenue model.

Finally, platforms are living designs that are always evolving. If you have feedback, feature requests, or just want to meet for some drinks and talk software design patterns, contact us either at the developer portal or via email: [email protected]

SMART COSMOS Objects License

You must review and accept the SMART COSMOS Objects EULA before working with this developer kit.

Open Source Development Framework

SMART COSMOS includes a number of open sourced frameworks available under the Apache License, Version 2. You can clone freely use these frameworks in your projects, submit pull requests, and access the latest documentation at GitHub:

The core of the Objects server itself is proprietary and must be properly licensed when deployed in a production environment.

In addition to the open source development framework, the entirety of the SMART COSMOS REST Web Service APIs are fully documented at our API web site,

SMART COSMOS Lessons: Get Certified

Software developers have the opportunity to complete the Extension Developer learning path at our education portal, SMART COSMOS Lessons. Upon completing about 14 hours of self-paced web courses and passing all of the exams, you establish yourself as SMART COSMOS expert and have the ability to promote your expertise at the Partner Development Portal.

You need a code to complete the SMART COSMOS Lessons self-signup. If you don’t have one, just ask for one by dropping us an email at [email protected].

Partner Development Portal

The Partner Development Portal is the online community for all things SMART COSMOS. Here you can review partner profiles, developer profiles, access technical white papers, review technical use cases, register for contests, and much more. If you haven’t already, you should visit the site and register as a developer to gain access to more technical data about the SMART COSMOS platform and network with other professionals using SMART COSMOS to Monetize the IoT.

Maven Central

Java developers that rely on Maven Central can access the SMART COSMOS libraries by searching for groupId of net.smartcosmos.:

The core framework has the following coordinates:


To make it easier to develop an extension, we also provide a parent POM file that you can extend:


And in the event you already have a parent structure, we provide a dependency POM file that you can import:

            <!-- Import dependency management -->
Remember, the artifacts in Maven Central are living artifacts and will have new releases from time to time. You are strongly encouraged to visit to find the latest version after 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT.

For More Information

See github.


Smart Cosmos Solutions Inc.

