Project Group: no.entur


no.entur : schema2proto-lib

Schema2proto - XSD schema to protobuf.

Last Version: 1.58

Release Date:


no.entur : schema2proto-xsdproto

Schema2proto - XSD schema to protobuf.

Last Version: 1.58

Release Date:

Schema 2 proto parent pom

no.entur : schema2proto-parent

Schema2proto - XSD schema to protobuf.

Last Version: 1.58

Release Date:


no.entur : schema2proto-wire

Schema2proto - XSD schema to protobuf.

Last Version: 1.58

Release Date:


no.entur : schema2proto-xsom

XML Schema Object Model (XSOM) is a Java library that allows applications to easily parse XML Schema documents and inspect information in them. It is expected to be useful for applications that need to take XML Schema as an input.

Last Version: 1.58

Release Date:

schema2proto Maven Plugin

no.entur : schema2proto-maven-plugin

Schema2proto - XSD schema to protobuf.

Last Version: 1.58

Release Date:

Protobuf descriptor files for NeTEx

no.entur : netex-protobuf

Generates protobuf descriptor files based on NeTEx xsd

Last Version: 1.71

Release Date:


no.entur : interface-protoc-plugin

Protoc plugin for generating interface hierarchies for generated java classes

Last Version: 1.5

Release Date:

Interface protoc plugin

no.entur : interface-protoc-plugin-parent

Protoc plugin for generating interface hierarchies for generated java classes

Last Version: 1.5

Release Date:


no.entur : interface-protoc-plugin-test

Protoc plugin for generating interface hierarchies for generated java classes

Last Version: 1.5

Release Date:

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