empty3.one Rendering engine. Shapes: surfaces, math-related Drawings, curves, textures with pictures, movies or colors.
#In progress or not:
- Lighting model.
- Texture with geometric structure.
- Burbs? Nurbs.
- real modelling interface. Graphical or touch.
- Glsl clone compiler, interpreter and rendering.
When you build with maven tool, assuming you have correctly set jdk home and exe path, and maven too, internet connection, space disk and memory size enough... However your build will fail.
Because. The explanation is that the pom.xml contains a signing key in gpg plugin build section of pom.xml descriptor. You can't sign against me. It would not be fair
You can delete the sign clause and replace by yours or nope.
If you miss a property check this https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html
Or make a new issue.
Downloaded as maven artifact. Maven.org g:one.empty3 a:empty3-library-3d v:2021.4.4
Work with TestObjetSub class: If the program is interrupted, try : ffmpeg -i /storage/emulated/0/Download/FICHIERS_2021-02-21-13-01-16/__SERID_0__frame100%4d.JPG /storage/emulated/0/Download/vid.avi
Build exe and jvm container with jpackage: