License |
License |
Categories |
CategoriesLogging Application Layer Libs SLF4J |
GroupId | GroupIdorg.apache.logging.log4j |
ArtifactId | ArtifactIdlog4j-to-slf4j |
Version | Version2.15.0 |
Type | Typejar |
Description |
DescriptionApache Log4j to SLF4J Adapter
The Apache Log4j binding between Log4j 2 API and SLF4J.
Project URL |
Project URL |
Project Organization |
Project Organization |
Filename | Size |
log4j-to-slf4j-2.15.0.pom | |
log4j-to-slf4j-2.15.0.jar | 17 KB |
log4j-to-slf4j-2.15.0-test-sources.jar | 16 KB |
log4j-to-slf4j-2.15.0-sources.jar | 15 KB |
log4j-to-slf4j-2.15.0-javadoc.jar | 55 KB |
Browse |
<!-- -->
implementation 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-to-slf4j:2.15.0'
implementation ("org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-to-slf4j:2.15.0")
<dependency org="org.apache.logging.log4j" name="log4j-to-slf4j" rev="2.15.0">
<artifact name="log4j-to-slf4j" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='org.apache.logging.log4j', module='log4j-to-slf4j', version='2.15.0')
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.logging.log4j" % "log4j-to-slf4j" % "2.15.0"
[org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-to-slf4j "2.15.0"]
Group / Artifact | Type | Version |
org.slf4j : slf4j-api | jar | 1.7.25 |
org.apache.logging.log4j : log4j-api | jar | 2.15.0 |
Group / Artifact | Type | Version |
ch.qos.logback : logback-core | jar | 1.2.3 |
ch.qos.logback : logback-core | test-jar | 1.2.3 |
ch.qos.logback : logback-classic | jar | 1.2.3 |
org.junit.vintage : junit-vintage-engine | jar | 5.7.2 |
org.junit.jupiter : junit-jupiter-engine | jar | 5.7.2 |
org.hamcrest : hamcrest | jar | 2.2 |