Project Group: org.aposin.licensescout

LicenseScout Core

org.aposin.licensescout : licensescout-core

Processing core of the LicenseScout that does read configuration files, scan for licenses and writes reports.

Last Version: 1.4.0.RC28

Release Date:

LicenseScout Maven Utilities

org.aposin.licensescout : licensescout-maven-utils

Utility methods that are specific to the Maven runtime system. Isolated because they are used by multiple maven plug-in implementations, but should not be in the core to keep core free from Maven runtime system dependencies.

Last Version: 1.4.0.RC28

Release Date:

LicenseScout Maven Report Plugin

org.aposin.licensescout : licensescout-report-maven-plugin

Maven plug-in using the LicenseScout Core for Maven site builds. Writes reports as HTML using the DOXIA framework.

Last Version: 1.4.0.RC28

Release Date:

LicenseScout Configuration Sample

org.aposin.licensescout : org.aposin.licensescout.configuration.sample

Sample Configuration for License Scout. Contains the configuration files that configure licenses, manually checked archives with their licenses, filtered vendor names, global filters, (license) notices, providers, License name mappings and license URL mappings

Last Version: 1.4.0.RC28

Release Date:

LicenseScout Maven Plugin

org.aposin.licensescout : licensescout-maven-plugin

Maven plug-in using the LicenseScout Core for standard Maven builds. Can write reports as CSV, Text or HTML using configurable templates and can write results to a database.

Last Version: 1.4.0.RC28

Release Date:

LicenseScout parent

org.aposin.licensescout : org.aposin.licensescout.parent

Common definitions for projects of LicenseScout

Last Version:

Release Date:

LicenseScout Aggregator POM

org.aposin.licensescout : org.aposin.licensescout.release-aggregator

Aggrgator POM for releases: contains all projects that should be released together

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