Vert.x Annotation-Based Routing
This is a relatively simple API and Java annotation processor that generates a Java source file containing routing object instances. Each instance corresponds to a different route, expressed using a path pattern (which may contain regular expressions) and a couple of other options. These instances basically delegate the call to the method that declared them.
NOTE: To see this API in action, check out the Freeki project.
Step 1: Annotate
So, if you have a Java class that looks like this:
import org.commonjava.vertx.vabr.Method;
import org.commonjava.vertx.vabr.RouteHandler;
import org.commonjava.vertx.vabr.anno.Route;
import org.commonjava.vertx.vabr.anno.Routes;
public class TemplateContentHandler
implements RouteHandler
/* @formatter:off */
@Routes( {
@Route( path="/templates/:template", method=Method.GET )
} )
/* @formatter:on */
public void get( final HttpServerRequest req )
throws Exception
final String template = req.params().get( "template" );
final File html = controller.getTemplateHtml( template );
if ( !html.exists() )
.setStatusCode( 404 )
.setStatusMessage( "Not Found" )
.setStatusCode( 200 )
.sendFile( html.getAbsolutePath() );
private final TemplateController controller;
private final JsonSerializer serializer;
public TemplateContentHandler( final TemplateController controller, final JsonSerializer serializer )
this.controller = controller;
this.serializer = serializer;
Step 2: Generate
The Apache Maven POM configuration will look similar to this:
The annotation processor will generate the following Java:
import org.commonjava.vertx.vabr.ApplicationRouter;
import org.commonjava.vertx.vabr.RouteBinding;
import org.commonjava.vertx.vabr.Method;
import org.commonjava.vertx.vabr.AbstractRouteCollection;
import org.commonjava.util.logging.Logger;
public final class Routes
extends AbstractRouteCollection
private final Logger logger = new Logger( getClass() );
public Routes()
bind( new RouteBinding( "/templates/:template", Method.GET, "" )
public void dispatch( ApplicationRouter router, HttpServerRequest req )
throws Exception
{ handler = router.getResourceInstance( );
if ( handler != null )
logger.debug( "Handling via: %s", handler );
handler.get( req );
throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot retrieve handler instance for: '/templates/:template' using method: 'GET'" );
} );
Step 3: Launch!
To initialize the controller that knows how to handle these generated route bindings, use something like the following:
final Set<RouteHandler> handlers = Collections.singleton( new TemplateContentHandler( new TemplateController( store, config ), serializer ) );
final ServiceLoader<RouteCollection> collections = ServiceLoader.load( RouteCollection.class );
final ApplicationRouter router = new ApplicationRouter( handlers, collections );
.requestHandler( router )
.listen( 8080, "" );