ConnectorIO - Binding

Third party bindings for openHAB.







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ConnectorIO - Binding
Third party bindings for openHAB.
Project Organization

Project Organization

ConnectorIO Sp. z o.o.

Download binding

Filename Size
binding-2.5.0.pom 869 bytes

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'org.connectorio:binding:2.5.0'
implementation ("org.connectorio:binding:2.5.0")
<dependency org="org.connectorio" name="binding" rev="2.5.0">
  <artifact name="binding" type="pom" />
@Grab(group='org.connectorio', module='binding', version='2.5.0')
libraryDependencies += "org.connectorio" % "binding" % "2.5.0"
[org.connectorio/binding "2.5.0"]


There are no dependencies for this project. It is a standalone project that does not depend on any other jars.

Project Modules

  • base
  • bacnet
  • test
  • plc4x
  • media
  • compute

ConnectorIO Addons

Hello friend. We would like to give you a short introduction of code present in this repository.

Code here is divided into several areas:

  • bindings - various kinds of connectivity extensions which adapt industrial or functional algorithms into runtime.

    • bacnet - communication with BACnet® enabled HVAC equipment other commercial real estate hardware.

    • plc4x - communication with industrial equipment thanks to Apache PLC4X project.

      • siemens - handling of connectivity to Step 7 (S7) enabled PLCs (coming from a certain vendor).

      • beckhoff - implementation of ADS based integration for Beckhoff® PLCs.

  • transformations - non standard operations which might be used at the link level to implement certain functionality.

  • telemetry - a telemetry service for streaming data from runtime for anonymous analytics and statistical purposes.

  • features (distributions) - packaging of binding code.

This code is located here mainly due to "incompatible" licensing and will stay here to unify infrastructure between our bindings. There is a shared code for bindings which might not be fortunate, but simplifies common operations. Quality of code and coding style is different than in OH repositories and it is not planned to be aligned. Please threat this repository as a source for third party addons.

License & notice

Most of the code is licensed under Apache Software License. The bacnet is exceptional and it is licensed under GPLv3 due to GPL code dependencies.

Code refers EPLv1 and EPLv2 licensed code mainly through openHAB artifacts.

Commercial usage

Commercial usage of this code is permitted and welcome as long as you can build binaries yourself. We provide no binary artifacts here, if you wish to receive one please visit our web page and register to download them.


We do support this code please get in touch with us if you are interested in terms and conditions.


The ® sign indicates that given name or logo is registered trademark.

We respect copyright and we value trademarks of others. BACnet, Apache PLC4X, Siemens, Beckhoff are all registered trademarks belonging to its respective owners. Above names are mentioned here to give credits to producers of awesome equipment and libraries. They are not listed here for advertising or affirmation purposes.

ConnectorIO sp. z o.o. (publisher of this code) is not in relation or partnership with any of above organizations. If you was mislead by contents of this file or our code please let us know, so we can clean things up.


See point 7 of license file. Be aware that you use this code at your own risk.


ConnectorIO sp. z o.o.

Connecting assets, data, information in fast, useful and simple way.

